Hello, Your Monthly Horoscope for April Is Here

the word april surrounded by squiggles
Your Monthly Horoscope for April Is HereGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Add These Dates to your G-Cal:

  • April 1: Mercury Retrograde in Aries

  • April 5: Venus enters Aries

  • April 8: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

  • April 19: Sun enters Taurus

  • April 21: Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

  • April 23: Full Moon in Scorpio

  • April 25: Mercury Retrograde ends in Aries

  • April 29: Venus enters Taurus

  • April 30: Mars enters Aries

Brace yourselves, cosmic cuties! April’s astrology is no joke–you’re starting the month off with Mercury Retrograde in the midst of eclipse season! Aries season is the start of the astrological new year, and as the month begins, you’ve made your way back to the start of the zodiac wheel. Aries season is all about initiating, leading with courage, and pumping up your confidence. You’re feeling inspired to take risks, even if it means you may fail along the way. Once Taurus season arrives mid-month, you’re eager to slow down, tune into your senses, and enjoy the world around you. You’re equipped with the determination and dedication to see any projects or ideas through!


The month starts off with a sick cosmic joke as Mercury Retrograde in Aries begins on April 1, really serving up that April Fool’s energy. The last time we experienced a Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Aries was back in spring 2018. Think about what you were revising or rehashing around that time—similar themes may reappear now. This retrograde period invites you to pull your energy back and reprioritize your own ambitions and needs.

Your Mercury Retrograde Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your Aries Season Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your 2024 Yearly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty | Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty | Margie Rischiotto

A few days later, on April 3, you may be overcome with nostalgia, romance, and creative inspiration when Venus, the planet of love, shares a kiss with Neptune, the planet of romance. It’s easy to feel like you’re caught in a daydream or fantasize about a person or situation today, so try to keep one foot on the ground. A rush of fated events enter your life on April 5 when the Sun in Aries meets the North Node in the same spot in the sky. Recognition may arrive and encounters can feel destined. Venus, the planet of love, moves into Aries on the same day, shifting your love language and asking you to take risks. Over the next few weeks, sudden romances can heat up quickly, but they also have the potential to burn out.


You’ve transcended an old relationship pattern on April 6 when Venus in Aries mingles with Pluto in Aquarius. You’re learning from your past and applying that wisdom to your present. You or someone important in your life may open up vulnerably today, deepening your intimate bond. Progress on your healing journey is illuminated on April 8 when the Sun syncs up with Chiron in the sign of Aries. This potent connection can drudge up pain from your past. If possible, step back and try to reflect on why these memories, thoughts, or patterns are reappearing. What are they showing you about the next step in your healing journey?

A New Moon solar eclipse in Aries darkens the skies on April 8. This eclipse brings you back to April 20, 2023—the last time we experienced a solar eclipse in Aries. You’re ready to go boldly after your goals and recenter yourself. While today can feel energizing, you might encounter some roadblocks, setbacks, or delays. Proceed with caution and don’t expect to move mountains in one day. A few days later, on April 10, the two most challenging planets, Mars and Saturn, link up at the same point in the sky. This combination can bring feelings of gridlock and disappointment as a new cycle regarding your personal commitments, burdens, and responsibilities begins. You may need to sacrifice something before you can move forward on your path.

A turning point in your Mercury Retrograde story arrives on April 11 when the Sun and Mercury connect at the same point in Aries, forming a cazimi. Even though Mercury is still retrograde, communication flows and is strengthened today. You may experience sudden clarity or find a solution you've been seeking. Healing and heartfelt conversations take place on April 15 when Mercury in Aries mingles with Chiron in Aries. Compassion is in the air and vulnerability is your superpower. Karmic events within your close relationships unfold on April 17 when Venus in Aries connects with the North Node. People entering or exiting your life today can feel like it was meant to be. Dream collaborations and contract opportunities may also pop up.

The Sun changes signs on April 19, shifting the mood from energetic Aries to stability-seeking Taurus. Yes, it's finally Taurus season! Nourishing your physical body and focusing on your sense of security becomes more of a priority. You may also be thinking about your values and valuables. On the same day, Mercury and Venus, both in Aries, sync up to deliver some fortunate news. Ideas, thoughts, and feelings are well received and supported today. If you have an important message to share, today brings supportive energy. Later in the day, Mars in Pisces connects with both Jupiter in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus, encouraging you to take risks and innovate.

On April 20, Jupiter in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus meet up for the first time in the sky since January 2011. Plus, this will be the first time these two planets are meeting up in the sign of Taurus since May 1941! Jupiter is a planet of expansion and Uranus is a planet of innovation and breakthrough, so typically this transit coincides with major advancements and discoveries. Rapid growth and transformation is around the corner! Personally, this can also feel like a liberating aspect that delivers sudden insights. Taking risks can lead to unexpected success. You’re plugged into your subconscious on April 21 when the Sun in Taurus clashes with Pluto in Aquarius. You’re invited to investigate the hidden or unaddressed. This may mark a moment of crisis or empowerment—Pluto leaves that decision up to you.


The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23 lights up the sky and brings your attention to the duality of life and growth vs. death and loss. Your resources or financial world may experience a shift around this time as well. Some relief arrives on April 25 when Mercury Retrograde in Aries ends, but communication will be moving slowly until the post-retrograde shadow period ends on May 13.

You’re feeling emboldened to take action on your dreams on April 29 when Mars and Neptune, both in Pisces, meet at the same point in the sky. Your compassionate nature, creativity, and sensitivities may be prominent today. This is also a supportive day to commit to a new spiritual practice. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, moves into Taurus on the same day, bringing ease to your close relationships. Taurus is one of Venus’s favorite zodiac signs, so your love life and financial world are in the spotlight over the next few weeks. In matters of the heart, you’re seeking stability, and singles have the opportunity to meet someone with lasting potential. Couples may also feel called to prioritize their connection.

The month ends with Mars, the planet of action, drive, and anger, moving into Aries on April 30. The last time Mars was in Aries was from May 25, 2022 through July 4, 2022—think back to that time period for themes that may reappear. Mars gains a little extra strength when it moves through the sign of Aries, so you may find yourself setting your to-do list ablaze. The next few weeks are a powerful time to initiate new projects and pursue your heart’s desires.

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscope for April 2024:













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