Hellraiser 2 gets a promising update

jamie clayton in hellraiser, as pinhead
Hellraiser 2 gets a promising updateSpyglass Media Group

Newly rebooted horror franchise Hellraiser has received an exciting update from director David Bruckner.

2022's reboot, starring Sense8 actress Jamie Clayton as the iconic cenobite Pinhead, was met with mixed reactions – though appetite for a sequel was immediately clear among fans.

Speaking to ComicBook.com, Bruckner said although the power doesn't lie entirely in his hands, he has hope for a sequel.

jamie clayton in hellraiser, as pinhead
Spyglass Media Group

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"We've been wanting to hear from the audience and I don't know yet, but I certainly hope there's a future there, so we will see," he said.

Speaking previously to the same publication, Bruckner stated his interest in a follow-up in September 2022.

"The original film is a masterpiece. And diving deeper into the world, I found myself truly in awe of what had been created, and so you want to do that justice, and you want to pay homage where it's due," he explained.

"At the same time, you have to respect your process... And so, of course, in making this, there's so many things to be excited about Hellraiser.

jamie clayton as pinhead in hellraiser
Spyglass Media Group

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"This is what we could get in this film. It's easy to dream beyond these two hours in run time, and if people take to it, I would be honoured to go back into this world."

Hellraiser is a remake of the classic 1987 horror, with the official synopsis reading: "A young woman struggling with addiction who comes into possession of an ancient puzzle box, unaware that its purpose is to summon the Cenobites, a group of sadistic supernatural beings from another dimension."

Hellraiser streams on Hulu in the US and on Prime Video, iTunes and Microsoft Store Movies in the UK.

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