The Hera is the best rabbit vibe I've ever tried and here's why

black rabbit vibrator sex toy
Is the Hera the best rabbit vibe ever?Hearst Owned

let's face it, in a world where we're spoilt for choice, it can be hard to know which version of a sex toy to buy. Shopping for toys can be overwhelming to say the least. There are so many clit suckers, wands and dildos to choose from. And the most common type of vibe, the humble rabbit vibrator comes in literally thousands of iterations.

I've tried a *lot* of rabbits in the name of ahem, journalism, and they all have their pros and cons. But recently, I discovered a bunny vibrator that puts all others to shame. It might be the best rabbit vibrator I've ever used.

Is a rabbit vibrator worth it?

In my humble opinion, if you're building a toy box, you should have a rabbit in your line up. It's an essential part of your sex toy collection. But for £95 you'd want to know you'd be guaranteed your money's worth, wouldn't you? No one is taking a gamble on a toy over fifty pounds. But with this toy, you're hardly rolling the dice. It's not a monster with a rotating shaft, it doesn't run on removable batteries and it's surprisingly quiet, as well as being a cute compact size.

The Hera rabbit vibrator

PSA: you do not need a ton of girth or a massive bulbous tip to get off. That can feel great, but trust me, you want something reliable, that hits the right spots and the Hera is it. It's super flexible, bending to all body types and manages to hit every spot very unagressively, thanks to the squishy silicone.

There are no flexible bunny ears with this rabbit, just a broad flat clit stim arm that sort of cups your internal vagina and external vulva, giving the benefit of being somewhat hands free by design. But again, it's squishy and quite easy to manoeuvre.

Curved easy-to-grip handle, silky silicone and easy-to-reach buttons to control both motors. And the motors are *powerful*. My god. For a little toy, the Hera brings the thunder. Well, she is named after the queen of the Grecian gods, after all.

The Hera vibrator offers five speeds and seven patterns, from a gentle purr to a deep rumble, interchangeable vibes between the two motors and intense pulsing buzzes. And yes, of course it's USB rechargeable so always a good option for on-the-go.

How to use a rabbit vibrator

There's a reason I don't think a rabbit is always the best toy to start a self love session with and it is this: most people with vaginas don't want to go straight in with full penetration and clitoral stimulation right off the bat. Even if you cover the shaft of your rabbit sufficiently in lube, it's still going to feel a bit weird going from zero to ten.

This is why I love a smaller rabbit with a tapered tip and a larger clitoral arm. The larger the arm is, the more surface area it can cover and the more external nerve endings it can hit. This will get you going, especially if the arm is soft and squishy, like the Hera's.

Thanks to the shaft on the Hera being smooth and tapered, you can angle the clit stim and the shaft to massage your vulva and the entrance to your vagina without having to push too much in too soon. Then, when you're ready to take things to the next level, you've got yourself a smooth entry, with a manageable girth that curves up towards the G-spot and feels *incredible* once you hit the button to activate that second motor.

Is the Hera waterproof? Well, obviously. The best ever rabbit vibe would have to be, wouldn't it. You're good for bath time and shower play. Just always be sure to clean it well, store it carefully and don't use it with silicone lube.

Water-based lube is best for a toy like this because you don't want to damage its silky-smooth surface and silicone lubes don't mix well with silicone toys as they can damage the surface, allowing bacteria into micro channels. Silicone lube can also leave marks on your silicone toys and in the worst case scenario make them feel permanently sticky – not a vibe.

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