2nd woman claims Herschel Walker made her get an abortion: ‘I was traumatized’

A second woman has claimed that the Republican candidate for one of Georgia's U.S. Senate seats, Herschel Walker, drove her to a clinic and paid for her to get an abortion nearly three decades ago, while the two were involved in a six-year romantic affair.

“Herschel Walker is a hypocrite, and he is not fit to be a U.S. senator,” the woman, identified only as Jane Doe, said at a press conference Wednesday with her high-profile attorney, Gloria Allred.

“Herschel Walker says he is against women getting abortions, but he pressured me to have one. I am coming forward now because I heard Herschel deny claims by another woman who said he paid for her abortion.”

Walker, a former football star and Heisman Trophy winner who was handpicked to run for Senate in Georgia by former President Donald Trump, is a staunch anti-abortion advocate who has made his pro-life stance a cornerstone of his campaign. This latest news comes with less than two weeks left before Election Day, with recent polling showing Walker and his opponent, the Democratic incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock, neck and neck in the race.

“I was traumatized about what Herschel put me through,” the woman said, with only her voice audible at the press conference, sharing that she was initially unsure about whether to keep the child or not. “In retrospect, I know I was naive.”

Donald Trump Jr. puts his arm around his father, Fred, flanked by Herschel Walker, with the young Donald Trump Jr., with blond hair, at the bottom of the frame next to an unidentified older man.
Donald Trump, Fred Trump, center, and Herschel Walker, at a Mike Tyson-Michael Spinks boxing match at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, N.J., on June 27, 1988. (Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images) Donald Trump Jr. appears at bottom left and an unidentified man is seated below. (Getty Images)

The woman went on to explain that she first met Walker in 1987, while he was a member of the Dallas Cowboys. She said she lived in Dallas and would go to Walker’s home games and see him many times a week in the mornings.

“We fell in love,” she said. “I was devoted to Herschel, and he gave me the impression that he was devoted to me.”

When Walker was traded to the Minnesota Vikings in 1992 and again to the Philadelphia Eagles in 1993, the woman claimed that she would fly out regularly to see Walker at home games and the two would reunite again in the off-season back in Dallas. She said she became pregnant by Walker in April 1993, despite using birth control.

“I didn’t know what to do. I was confused, uncertain and scared,” she said. “After discussing the pregnancy with Herschel several times, he encouraged me to have an abortion and gave me the money to do so.”

The woman said she drove herself to the clinic, but initially could not go through with the abortion. When she told Walker, he became upset, and the next day, he drove her to the clinic, waiting hours in the parking lot until the procedure was completed. Soon after, the woman claimed that Walker began to distance himself, before the two lost contact for more than 15 years.

“I was devastated, because I felt pressure to have an abortion,” she said.

Herschel Walker talks in front of a bank of microphones, with a banner saying Eagles behind him.
Herschel Walker at a press conference in Philadelphia after signing a free-agent contract with the Philadelphia Eagles on July 13, 1992. (Eb Mahan/Sporting News via Getty Images via Getty Images)

Asked about the latest allegations on Wednesday, at a rally in Dillard, Ga., alongside Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Walker dismissed them as “foolishness.”

"I've already told people that this is a lie, and I'm not going to entertain it. ... I also want to let you know that I didn't kill JFK either,” Walker said in response to a reporter’s question. "And right now, Sen. Warnock, they got crushed at that debate, and now the Democrats will do and say whatever they can to win this seat. But they don't know Herschel Walker. ... I'm going to win this seat."

This latest allegation comes just two weeks after the Daily Beast reported that Walker paid for an abortion for another woman. Walker denied that report, too, and promised to sue the outlet the next day, but the lawsuit has yet to materialize.

Allred, Jane Doe’s lawyer, offered several articles of evidence on behalf of her client, which included a photo of Walker lying allegedly on the woman’s hotel bed at a Holiday Inn in downtown Mankato, Minn., and a receipt for a hotel stay with the woman’s name redacted. Three cards with love notes written inside of them were also provided, each signed “H,” Walker’s alleged signature. The most revealing piece of evidence may have been an alleged voicemail from Walker that he left while at the 1992 Albertville, France‎, Winter Olympic Games, in which he called the woman to say, “I love you.”

The woman shared how distraught she was throughout her relationship with Walker, because he continually gave her the impression that he would leave his wife for her, but ultimately never did.

“He took advantage of my love for him,” she said.

Attorney Gloria Allred holds up a photograph of Herschel Walker lying on a bed that her client alleges was taken in her hotel room.
Attorney Gloria Allred holds up an image purported to be of Herschel Walker lying on Jane Doe’s hotel bed at a Holiday Inn in downtown Mankato, Minn., in the late 1980s. (Gloria Allred)

To explain why she was coming forward now, just ahead of the election, the woman, who said she identifies as an independent and had twice voted for Trump, said, “He gives the impression today that he is ‘about life’ and against abortion under any circumstances, when in fact he made me have an abortion and drove to the clinic and paid for it.”

After the first abortion allegations, Republicans doubled down on their support for Walker, seeing him as vital to their prospects of taking back the Senate from Democratic control.

Walker’s opponent, Warnock, offered his own rebuke of this latest allegation.

“We know Herschel Walker has a problem with the truth, a problem answering questions and a problem taking responsibility for his actions,” Warnock said Wednesday in a statement provided to Yahoo News. “Today’s new report is just the latest example of a troubling pattern we have seen play out again and again and again. Herschel Walker shouldn’t be representing Georgians in the U.S. Senate.”

A sign with an arrow on a tree-lined street reads: Vote Here.
A voting sign outside a location for early voting in Fulton County, Ga., on Oct. 22, 2022. (Nathan Posner/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

More than 1 million people cast their ballots in this year’s midterm elections through eight days of early voting in the state, according to Georgia’s secretary of state, smashing the previous record eight-day totals in 2018 by more than 50%.

Allred, the woman’s lawyer, believes this information should help Georgians make a more informed decision at the ballot box.

“This is about the values of every voter in Georgia,” she said. “Every parent has to ask whether they are OK with a man who lies over and over again.”


Cover thumbnail: Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images