History of controversial comments by suspended Tory MP Lee Anderson

Tory MP Lee Anderson has never been backward about coming forward with his views, several of which have sparked outrage among opposition politicians, campaigners and even his fellow Conservatives.

But Mr Anderson was suspended from the Conservative Party on Saturday after a racist rant where he accused London mayor Sadiq Khan of allowing his “Islamist mates” to take control of the capital.

A spokesperson for Tory chief whip Simon Hart said the decision had been made following the former Tory deputy chairman’s “refusal to apologise” for the remarks made on Friday.

In an appearance on GB News, Mr Anderson said: “I don’t actually believe that the Islamists have got control of our country, but what I do believe is they’ve got control of Khan and they’ve got control of London… He’s actually given our capital city away to his mates.”

Here we take a look at some of the Red Wall MP’s previous remarks and controversies.

Conservative MP for Ashfield Lee Anderson (Parliament TV)
Conservative MP for Ashfield Lee Anderson (Parliament TV)

Racist rant about Sadiq Khan

Mr Anderson was suspended from the Conservative Party on Saturday after his refusal to apologise for a “racist” rant where he accused London mayor Sadiq Khan of allowing his “Islamist mates” to take control of the city.

In an appearence on GB News, Mr Anderson said: “I don’t actually believe that the Islamists have got control of our country, but what I do believe is they’ve got control of Khan and they’ve got control of London… He’s actually given our capital city away to his mates.”

Asked about the comments, Mr Khan said: “These comments from a senior Conservative are Islamophobic, are anti Muslim and are racist.”

And, piling pressure on Rishi Sunak to suspend Mr Anderson, he said: “Racism is racism, I’m unclear why Rishi Sunak and members of his cabinet aren’t calling this out or condemning this.

“It’s like they’re complicit in this sort of racism. And I think the message it sends is, Muslims are fair game.”

Sharing staffer’s salary in food bank row

Mr Anderson – voted Conservative MPs’ favourite backbencher – has frequently questioned how many people genuinely need to use food banks.

In January, to illustrate his point, he tweeted a picture of a member of his staff with details of her earnings and outgoings. The Ashfield MP claimed she was an example of someone earning less than £30,000 but did not need to use a food bank.

But the move was heavily criticised, and Mr Anderson was accused of “a form of bullying” by Labour MP Dawn Butler, who said she had reported him to the Commons authorities.

People who use food banks ‘cannot cook properly’

Mr Anderson’s feelings on food banks first made headlines last May, when he invited fellow MPs to visit a food bank in his constituency to witness a “brilliant scheme” – whereby those in receipt of food parcels are forced to “register for a budgeting and cooking course”.

“We show them how to cook cheap and nutritious meals on a budget – we can make a meal for about 30p a day – and this is cooking from scratch,” said the Nottinghamshire MP. “I think you’ll see first-hand there’s not this massive use for food banks in this country.

“We’ve got generation after generation who cannot cook properly, they can’t cook a meal from scratch, they cannot budget.”

According to the Trussell Trust, the largest network of food bank providers in the UK, the main drivers of food bank use are problems with the benefits system, challenging life experiences, ill-health, or lack of informal or formal support.

Its head of policy, Sumi Rabindrakumar, told The Independent at the time: “Food bank need in the UK is about lack of income, not food. Cooking from scratch won’t help families keep the lights on or put food on the table, if they don’t have enough money in their pockets.”

Nurses using food banks have ‘something wrong with their finances’

The Tory MP has continued to cast doubts over the necessity of food banks for many users – despite soaring demand – insisting that striking nurses did not need handouts.

“Anybody earning 30-odd grand a year – which most nurses are – using food banks, then they’ve got something wrong with their own finances,” he told Times Radio in December.

Royal College of Nursing general-secretary Pat Cullen responded that “to criticise anybody using a food bank is disgusting, heartless and dangerously out of touch”, adding that she has “met nursing staff from every corner of the nation – and their fear and fright about not being able to meet their bills is palpable”.

Challenging Brexit critic to a fight

Conservative MP Lee Anderson was angered by Steve Bray’s question about ‘liar’ Boris Johnson (Steve Bray / Twitter)
Conservative MP Lee Anderson was angered by Steve Bray’s question about ‘liar’ Boris Johnson (Steve Bray / Twitter)

Mr Anderson also raised eyebrows last year when he described an anti-Brexit protester as “a parasite”.

In a verbal altercation with activist Steve Bray – who in return brands him “30p Lee, in a nod to the MP’s claims about cooking and budgeting – Mr Anderson said: “You’re nothing but a parasite. We’ve established that. You’re a scrounger. Why are you here dressed like a tramp?”

Mr Bray told The Independent after the encounter: “Lee Anderson is very derogatory about those less fortunate in life, the fact he tries to imply I am a tramp and on benefits is insulting those people that actually are.”

The Conservative MP attempted to settle his feud with the “Stop Brexit” man in the boxing ring – after briefly stealing his “Not My Brexit” hat during a row outside parliament last week and repeating his “parasite” slur.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Mr Anderson said: “He is a nuisance. And I’ve got a challenge for him: Meet me in the boxing ring. Let’s do three rounds.

“If I win, he never protests out there again. And if he wins, I’ll go and protest with him.”

Mr Bray told the paper he would consider it, saying: “I will think about it. I might have to get into a bit of shape first.”

‘Make nuisance tenants live in tents and pick potatoes’

Before even entering the House of Commons, Mr Anderson sparked anger by posting a video on Facebook arguing during his election campaign that “nuisance tenants” should be forced to live in tents and pick potatoes.

Speaking directly to the camera, he said: “My plan would be … let’s have them in a tent in the middle of a field, six o’clock every morning let’s have them up, let’s have them in the field picking potatoes or any current seasonal vegetables, back in the tent, cold shower, lights out, six o’clock, same again the next day. That would be my solution.”

Rival parties compared the idea to “forced labour camps,” accusing Mr Anderson of “entrenching division”.

‘Make out you know who I am’

Part of Mr Anderson’s role as deputy chairman will be to go out on the airwaves to voice support for the government’s agenda, particularly in the run-up to elections, including the upcoming local contests in May.

Just hours after his Spectator interview was published Mr Anderson had a heated clash with a BBC journalist who tackled him about video and audio clips showing him setting up a doorstep counter during the 2019 election campaign.

Mr Anderson forgot he was wearing a microphone as he got one of his friends to pose as an anti-Labour swing voter, in a bid to impress a journalist with the fake encounter.

“Make out you know who I am... you know I’m the candidate, but not a friend, alright?” Mr Anderson was recorded telling his friend minutes before bringing a journalist to his door.

Once they arrived, the supposed swing voter then told the Tory candidate: “There’s no way Labour are ever going to get my vote again”, before heartily endorsing Mr Anderson’s ‘tenants in tents’ policy.