Hollande says aircraft carrier could support Iraq operations

France's President Francois Hollande arrives for the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Milan October 16, 2014. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini/Files

ON BOARD THE CHARLES DE GAULLE (Reuters) - France's Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier is ready be used to support military operations against Islamic State in Iraq, French President Francois Hollande told military personnel aboard the vessel on Wednesday. "Thanks to the Charles de Gaulle we will have intelligence ... we may also conduct operations in Iraq," the president said in a speech, given as the carrier cruised off France's southern coast in the Mediterranean "The aircraft carrier will work in close cooperation with coalition forces," he added. France is sending the aircraft carrier, the flagship of the French fleet, to the Indian Ocean for naval exercises. (Reporting by Julien Ponthus; writing by James Regan; Editing by Mark John)