Hollande says unsure whether to receive Putin during Paris visit, cites Syria

French President Francois Hollande, gestures as he speaks during an event for the 20th anniversary of the Jacques Delors institute in Paris, France, October 6, 2016. REUTERS/Michel Euler/Pool

PARIS (Reuters) - French President Francois Hollande said he was unsure whether to see his Russian counterpart when he visits Paris on Oct. 19 and condemned Vladimir Putin's "unacceptable" support for Syrian air strikes, in excerpts from a TV interview released on Sunday. Asked about the visit, Hollande told TF1 television he would "probably" receive Putin. "I'm still asking myself the question," he said. "Can we do anything that will make him stop what he is in the process of committing with the Syrian regime, which is supporting the bombing of Aleppo's population by its air forces?" Hollande said. The population of heavily bombarded eastern Aleppo "are today the victims of war crimes", the French president said. "Those who commit these acts will be held responsible, including before the International Criminal Court." The full interview is to be broadcast on Monday, TF1 said. (Reporting by Laurence Frost; Editing by Louise Ireland)