Hollyoaks' Cindy Cunningham to search for answers over Ella's death

Hollyoaks spoilers follow.

Cindy Cunningham will search for answers over Ella Richardson's death in new Hollyoaks scenes.

The teenager was killed in tragic scenes last week, when Ste Hay accidentally ran her over while rushing to get his unconscious daughter Leah Barnes to hospital.

Ste has struggled with his guilt since the fatal crash and contemplated coming clean.

In the Price Slice next week, a distraught Cindy will confront Detective Zoe Anderson on why there has been a lack of updates on the case.

ste hay and cindy cunningham in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Ste overhears this conversation and ends up involved in the argument, leaving him feeling even worse about his deadly secret.

He attempts to comfort Cindy following the shocking row with Zoe, where she encourages him to take care of his loved ones in light of what she's experienced.

In the course of their conversation, Ste is horrified to find out about Theresa McQueen's theory that another unknown car must have been involved in the crash.

Ste seeks solace of his own in a narcotics support group, only to be stopped in his tracks before the meeting.

He later lashes out at best mate Sienna Blake, though ultimately agrees to get James Nightingale to help track down Rafe, who disappeared shortly before his wedding to Sienna.

ste hay and cindy cunningham in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Ste doesn't have long to focus on his good deed before he spots Cindy accidentally dropping a box of Ella's possessions. He is too spooked to help her, leaving him to suspiciously rush past her.

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4 each weekday at 7.30pm. Episodes then air on E4 the following day, before getting their YouTube premiere a week after that.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

Read more Hollyoaks spoilers on our dedicated homepage

If you identify with the themes in this article, the NHS has resources available to help with grief counselling and other support in the UK. In the US, the CDC also has resources available for those grieving.

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