Hollyoaks' Cindy vows to rob a bank in surprising new scenes

Hollyoaks spoilers follow.

Cindy Cunningham hatches a desperate plan to help restore the Grand Bazaar to its former glory in upcoming Hollyoaks scenes.

Following Norma Crow and Warren Fox's car crash, a despairing Cindy can't believe there's no money to repair the market, with Zara Morgan hoping to convince Tony Hutchinson to persuade bank manager Alex into lending them the needed funds.

Tony's wife Diane is then disappointed to learn that he isn't interested in aiding their plight, and so she backs the loan idea herself.

sam chenwilliams and cindy cunningham in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Meanwhile, running his mouth a little too freely while speaking to Alex, Tony has the opposite effect of his intentions.

With hope all but gone, Zara comes up with a scheme involving handcuffs and chains - she and Grace protest at the site. Cindy is left ready to throw the towel in, though, when Alex walks by gloating.

But back at the flat, Hilton's impersonation of Robin Hood gives Cindy, Grace and Zara the inspiration they need: they'll just rob the local bank!

Having listened to Cindy's masterplan, Grace begins to doubt the likeliness of its success, which doesn't go down too well. Retaliating to this backlash from her friend, Grace decides to show nerves of steel by breaking into the Love Boat's safe, with Zara covering for her, but when they realise they've forgotten something, it's time for Plan B.

zara morgan and grace black in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures
sam chen williams, zara morgan and grace black in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Later on, Grace tells Zara to video her while she nicks PC Sam's cuffs, yet things quickly get out of hand when the copper realises something's going on and he gets elbowed in the nose.

Arrested then eventually let go, a shook-up Grace and Zara tell Cindy they can't take part in her bank robbery plot, but this doesn't dampen her motivation one bit.

Frightened that her pal will end up in prison, Zara threatens to go to the police...

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4, with new episodes dropping each weekday morning. The show airs Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4, and at 7pm on E4.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

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