Hollyoaks: Hunter turns to Zoe for support

Episode 6193

Channel 4 streaming release date: Tuesday 05 September 2023

E4 airdate: Tuesday 05 September 2023 at 19:00

Channel 4 airdate: Wednesday 06 September 2023 at 18:30

Hunter confides in Zoe about his past with Neeta. She comforts him, encouraging compassion.

Hunter and Zoe head back to the McQueens', thinking no-one is at home. Things begin to steam up between them, but when a stray sock hits a resting Sally, all three of them end up startled and the moment is ruined between the pair.

Meanwhile, Norma and Cindy try to track down Ella. With something Norma said playing on Cindy's mind, she asks Dave if she's just a rebound, to which he reassures her.

Lizzie calls a family meeting to confront her dad on what's going on between him and Cindy. After she discovers Mason was aware of them hooking up, Lizzie is hurt she's the last to know about them.

Writer: Richard Burke

Director: David Crowley

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