Hollyoaks: James receives a blackmail demand

Episode 6325

Channel 4 streaming release date: Wednesday 06 March 2024 at 19:30

E4 airdate: Thursday 07 March 2024 at 19:00

Kane wants James to change his visiting order to see him rather than Romeo, who has just come out of isolation. Wanting to make sure he gets what he wants, Kane threatens Romeo.

Kane takes Romeo's place during visiting time and demands £250,000 from James in return for Romeo's safety.

Meanwhile, Leela tells Joel she was going to take him back before she overheard him and Abe. After Leela hurts herself doing DIY, she and Joel bond over a flatpack.

Elsewhere, in Price Slice, Cindy opens up about why she wants the job – to help her afford her wedding and keep her mind from thinking of Ella.

Writer: Rachel Hall

Director: Tim Hopewell

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