Hollyoaks: James starts to lose control

Episode 6316

Channel 4 streaming release date: Thursday 22 February 2024 at 19:30

E4 airdate: Friday 23 February 2024 at 19:00

James tells Peri that he managed to get her job back and she must keep her head down. He adds that he's arranged a visit with Kane.

Things don't go to plan for James when he realises that his blackmailing will no longer work.

Meanwhile, Ethan confesses to Sienna that he was harbouring Dilly and helped her escape from the village.

Dilly breaks into the school, where the man she has been obsessed with, Patrick Blake, speaks to her.

Elsewhere, Yazz shares the exciting news with her mum that she's down to the final three candidates for a journalism job. After Yazz settles Misbah's concerns, Misbah realises how excited her Yazz is and lets her know she'll support her.

Also today, when Lucas is distracted while holding the punch bag for JJ at the youth club, he ends up stumbling, feeling embarrassed. Frankie decides to leave, asking Lucas if he wants to join. JJ tries to warn Lucas off the idea, but the teen isn't intimidated and joins Frankie.

Writer: Thabo Mhlatshwa

Director: Will Herbert

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