Hollyoaks to revisit James Nightingale's past in Lucas story

ste hay and james nightingale in hollyoaks
Hollyoaks to revisit James's past in Lucas storyLime Pictures

Hollyoaks spoilers follow.

Hollyoaks will revisit James Nightingale's past as part of Lucas Hay's storyline.

The teen has been exploring his sexuality this year, at the same time as Hollyoaks High head-teacher Carter has attempted to discourage LGBTQ+ identity within the student body.

Lucas also isn't sure he can trust dad Ste Hay's husband James, so he will try to set up his stepfather in upcoming scenes by making it seem like James has been using dating sites.

When Ste confronts James with the allegations, the lawyer can only laugh as he admits Lucas must have been behind the ploy due to the spelling errors.

ste hay and james nightingale in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Ste is furious over his son's betrayal, leading him to betray Lucas at school. Lucas refuses to give up his vendetta as he shows Ste a recent photo of James and John Paul McQueen together.

James offers to speak to Lucas once Ste shares his worries, so he takes the teen on a walk and opens up about his own troubled relationship with late father Mac.

Any hopes that the talk will make things better are dashed when Ste discovers Lucas hasn't slept in his bed. Lucas eventually comes home and tries to explain himself, leaving Ste sceptical.

At school, Lucas lashes out at Dillon Ray by slamming his locker on his friend's hand after Dillon tries to get him to open up about how he's feeling.

Lucas is later touched to find out Dillon has not grassed on him over the locker, though there's still tension because Dillon knows his friend is hiding something.

lucas hay and ste hay in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Leah is equally as concerned about her brother, as she confides in Dillon that she's worried about him supposedly staying out all night with a girl from another school. Will Lucas share his true feelings?


These scenes will air next week.

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4 each weekday at 7.30pm. Episodes then air on E4 the following day, before getting their YouTube premiere a week after that.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

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