Hollyoaks' Romeo Nightingale faces more suspicion after Rayne death

Hollyoaks spoilers follow from Wednesday's episode on Channel 4 streaming, which doesn't air on E4 until Thursday.

Hollyoaks' Romeo Nightingale was at the centre of even more suspicion in tonight's (October 4) streaming-first episode.

After the death of Rayne Royce, Romeo has found himself as the main suspect online — claiming that people always pin the blame on the boyfriend — and deleted his social media accounts in response.

In the latest instalment, James popped round to the shared house looking for Romeo, only for Prince McQueen to tell him that he was supposed to be staying at James' last night, which James was completely unaware of.

rayne royce and romeo nightingale in hollyoaks
Romeo and RayneLime Pictures

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Cheryl Taylor, the mother of Brent (Rayne's ex, who she pretended was dead and later made kidnap Peri Lomax), turned up in the village and overheard that Romeo had gone missing. She then accused him of doing a runner because he's guilty.

An incensed James hit back and claimed that Brent was obsessed with Rayne. He cited Brent's shrine and willingness to kidnap for Rayne as evidence, arguing that Brent's obsession led him to kill her.

"[Romeo's] gone away to clear his head. I suggest you do the same," James told Cheryl.

After Cheryl walked away, Ste revealed to James that Romeo deleted all his social media accounts and wondered why he'd do that.

ste hay in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Prince later bumped into Peri, who told him she hadn't seen Romeo for a few days. But is that the truth? Peri and Romeo agreed that they need to keep something about what happened on the day of Rayne's death a secret at all costs...

Back at James', Ste brought up Romeo deleting his socials again and admitted that he couldn't shake how guilty it's making Romeo look.

"You need to face up to the fact that Romeo might be the person who killed Rayne," Ste told his husband as viewers saw Romeo with his hood up and a large bag trying to sneak out of the village.

Why has Romeo gone on the run, what is it that he and Peri are hiding and will Ste's suspicions cause a rift between him and James?

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4 each weekday at 7.30pm. Episodes then air on E4 the following day, before getting their YouTube premiere a week after that.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

Read more Hollyoaks spoilers on our dedicated homepage

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