Hollyoaks star Charlie Behan teases "shocking" future for Charlie Dean

Hollyoaks spoilers follow.

Hollyoaks star Charlie Behan has teased a “shocking” future for his character, Charlie Dean.

Charlie has been in the thick of it in recent weeks, with his mental health spiralling after cheating on girlfriend Shing Ling Leong with Ella Richardson.

The upcoming GCSE results day will also heighten Charlie’s anxiety, with medication being considered as an option to improve his health.

charlie dean in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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In an interview with Inside Soap, Behan teased the upcoming developments for his character, including both his academic and personal circumstances.

“His mates are thinking about college, but if Charlie hasn’t got good grades it will mess up his future plans,” said Behan. “You’ll have to wait and see what he finally ends up doing, but I don’t think it will be something that anybody expects. It’s quite shocking!

“Charlie is very nervous and overthinks everything,” he said about results day. “There is a lot of expectation and pressure, and he doesn’t want to let everyone down. But he knows he hasn’t done as well as he could have, as he didn’t take school very seriously in the last few months.”

Behan also spoke about his character’s mental state, which has seen him refuse help from adoptive father Darren, and the actor reiterated his belief that the teenager needed to listen to older heads.

dillon ray, mason chen williams, vicky grant, shing lin leong, darren osborne and charlie dean in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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“Charlie wants to find the best solution of coping with this himself,” revealed Behan, who has played the character for 12 years. “[This] is not always the best idea because you should try to accept help from people who’ve been through similar things.

“He’s shutting everyone out and being selfish. Personally, I think Charlie should listen to Darren – he knows first-hand how Charlie is feeling. I think Charlie wants to tell people, but he’s ashamed and feels it’s weak to talk about his mental health,” he added.

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4, with new episodes dropping each weekday morning. The show airs Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4, and at 7pm on E4.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

Read more Hollyoaks spoilers on our dedicated homepage.

If you've been affected by the issues raised in this story, organisations who can offer support include the NHS, Samaritans on 116 123 or Mind on 0300 123 3393. Readers in the US are encouraged to visit mentalhealth.gov.

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