Hollyoaks star Rory Douglas-Speed discusses Joel Dexter's big new story

rory douglas speed, who plays joel in hollyoaks, arrives at the 2023 british soap awards in manchester
Hollyoaks star discusses Joel Dexter's new storyAnthony Devlin - Getty Images

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Last month, Hollyoaks viewers saw Joel Dexter get diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as part of an emotional new storyline.

Rory Douglas-Speed, who plays Joel, was himself diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of eight and believes this helps in keeping the story authentic.

"Our producer, Lucy Allen, told me last year that they had this idea based around disabilities you can't see, and wanted to make Joel diabetic – I thought it was a brilliant idea," Rory told Inside Soap magazine.

"Because it's something I live with, I was looking forward to making it as authentic as possible, which you don't always get with portrayals of diabetics on screen," he added.

sharon bailey and joel dexter in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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Rory also spoke about how he was involved in the storyline behind the scenes.

"The writer of the episode where Joel was diagnosed, Jonathan Boam, did a great job and we worked together on a few things. It was nice to work in tandem with him and the producers. There was obviously research and guidance done beforehand, and that authenticity came to fruition through the script."

The hard work has been worth it as Rory says the feedback from viewers has been "overwhelming".

"A lot of diabetic people said it was the first time they'd seen the reality of it being portrayed, which was really good to hear," Rory added. "Diabetes is a constant process, which we can build into Joel's daily life. I'm really nonchalant and inject my insulin anywhere while I'm chatting away – hopefully Joel can do that."

On screen, following his diagnosis, Joel struggled to come to terms with it and worried about telling his friends and family incase they treated him differently.

This, explained Rory, is a common feeling for those diagnosed with diabetes.

joel dexter in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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"I get a lot of messages, one from a woman who'd been diabetic for two years and still hadn't told her husband. She felt so stigmatised and was too scared to tell the love of her life incase it changed his opinion of her," he said.

Rory's advice for anyone hiding the condition is to "take ownership".

"It sounds cheesy, but there's no power in denying yourself or who you are. There's a lot of stigma, people make assumptions – like you get it because you eat too much sugar, but this is something there is no cure for and is a big shift in your life.

"People can get a bit embarrassed by it, but it's about taking ownership. I see it as a superpower!" he added.

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4, with new episodes dropping each weekday morning. The show airs Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4, and at 7pm on E4.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

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