Hollyoaks star talks Juliet cancer story

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Hollyoaks will air a heartbreaking twist in Juliet Nightingale's ongoing cancer storyline next week.

Juliet will receive devastating news at the hospital, where she has been recovering from a virus.

Despite Peri's concern, Juliet is determined to celebrate James and Ste's wedding regardless, but later collapses on the dance floor when the day becomes too much for her to handle.

Here, Niamh Blackshaw – who plays Juliet – shares more details of what's in store.

Juliet has been going through a lot lately, what do you think it is that keeps her so positive?

"I think what keeps Juliet positive is her inner fight – she won't lose hope and she won't give up without giving everything she can. But there is also her family and friends. This gives her the strength she needs to keep going."

james nightingale and juliet nightingale in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

There are a lot of Jeri fans out there, what do you think it is that makes them so popular?

"I think the fact that they have been together for so long, though on and off. It's rare that couples get to stay together so consistently. You're able to develop relationships and invest more when you can build it over time."

Do you and Ruby [O'Donnell] have as much fun behind the scenes on set as on the screen?

"I mean, I would say Peri and Juliet have been going through a pretty rough time, and because of the serious nature of the story it has made for an emotional and intense working environment. But Ruby and I have a lot of fun when we can, and if it's appropriate, for sure."

What research and other things have you done to prepare yourself for Juliet's storyline?

"I’ve been researching since August, but the most useful tool has been talking to people. I loved speaking to Shell and getting to hear her experiences, I think relating it back to reality and real people is very important."

donna marie quinn, juliet nightingale and peri lomax in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

What has been the hardest part about doing this storyline?

"The hardest part of the storyline has been the emotional toll. It's so hard to leave a story at work when it reflects something so prevalent to real life, and you are doing it so consistently."

The sibling relationship between Juliet and Romeo is lovely, will we be seeing more of that?

"Hopefully. If a girlfriend doesn't get in the way..."

Juliet and Donna-Marie's relationship has been fraught since her mum's recent relapse but this week we see them coming together, can you tell us about that?

"Juliet has always needed her mum, and wanted a better relationship with her. For the first time, Donna Marie wants to step up and be better and it's wonderful to see. I feel like they have such a strong bond and I'm so glad we get to explore that more."

tony hutchinson, donna marie quinn, juliet nightingale and peri lomax in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

How would you describe Juliet's relationship with James?

"Very sibling like. She loves to confide in him, but she always wants to protect him. I think she sees a lot of herself in him and vice versa. I'd definitely say they are the most similar out of the family unit."

What was it like filming on location for James' wedding?

"It was lovely. It's always nice to get out and work on location."

What three words sum up the wedding?

"Dramatic, original, fun."

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4, with new episodes dropping each weekday morning. The show airs Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4, and at 7pm on E4.

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If you would like more information or support about living with cancer or treatment, please click here for guidance from MacMillan Cancer Support, or click here to learn more from Stand Up to Cancer.

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