Home and Away: Dana tries to save John's job

Episode 8162

UK airdate: Tuesday 13 February 2024 at 13:45 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Tuesday 14 November 2023 at 19:00 on Channel 7

John kicks back on the beach in a leisurely fashion – by all appearances, he's loving having left his position at the Surf Club. Alf presses, though, unwilling to accept Palmer's resignation. Dana is disappointed to discover the Bronze Medallion courses are indefinitely on hold. Even Marilyn tries to talk sense into him but gets nowhere.

Dana puts together a solution after learning of Banjo's complaint and Alf fills her in on the Henderson sponsorship. She'll call Banjo herself and ask him to withdraw the complaint. Will Dana be able to influence John's return to teaching?

Meanwhile, Eden reservedly faces her brother for the first time in years. The siblings share an awkward stroll through the Bay, where Eden speaks her mind. When their dad comes up, it's not fertile ground for reconciliation. Soon Eden is storming away from Levi, declaring that coming to see him was a mistake.

At home, Eden huffily updates Cash that she and her brother will be remaining estranged, but Cash's curiosity leads him to the hospital. He introduces himself to his girlfriend's brother, but when Eden walks in on the two of them sharing a beer at Salt, she's livid. Eden bails to a gig with Remi and Cash is washed with regret, aware he's overstepped.

Elsewhere, Mackenzie sings Levi's praises to Bree – he's not only a brilliant surgeon, but he's also really caring. Last night, he stayed behind to watch TV together. Dana supports Mac's glowing review – he's had an interesting, varied career, including working with Doctors Without Borders.

Bree keenly approaches the man himself for a chat, and soon she's telling Remi she's had an idea of what she wants to do next – Levi has made her realise that anything is possible. She's soon telling Cash that she's planning on travelling with charitable causes. Their conversation is interrupted by more bad news for Cash from Felicity - they've just been evicted.

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