Home and Away: Dana's murder is ordered by Madden

Episode 8116

UK airdate: Monday 30 October 2023 at 13:00 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Monday 11 September 2023 at 19:00 on Channel 7

Dana is terrified, as she has been kidnapped by Madden and cuffed to a chair in an abandoned shack. Madden makes his intention clear to frame her. He leaves his associate, Fletcher, with a chilling instruction – warning him not to make a move until he has established his alibi.

After lying that Dana has escaped custody, Madden sends Fletcher a text: "Do it now". Fletcher pulls on gloves and produces a syringe as it dawns on Dana that he's going to kill her and stage it as an overdose.

Fighting for her life, Dana manages to kick her captor in the chest and hit him with the chair. He's out cold but the shack is still locked. Dana manages to sneak Fletcher's phone and place a call to Harper, but just as the call connects, Fletcher grabs her from behind. Dana isn't free yet, but at least the call is traceable and she has bought herself more time.

Meanwhile, Tane and Felicity are excited by the idea of buying land in New Zealand and John can't resist sticking his nose in. When John asks if the couple might have plans to expand their family, Felicity bites back and sarcastically puts John in his place. Tane has a glint in his eye as he gazes at Felicity – has John put an idea in his head?

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