Home and Away: John is accused of bullying

Episode 8154

UK airdate: Thursday 01 February 2024 at 13:45 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Thursday 02 November 2023 at 20:00 on Channel 7

Alf informs John that a student dropped out of his Bronze Medallion course and has lodged a formal complaint – Banjo.

Banjo has cited bullying, disrespect, micro-aggressions. After much persuasion, John picks up the phone to call and apologise.

Meanwhile, Kirby and Theo are hard at work on writing a new song. Theo is self-critical of his lyrics, but Kirby is reassuring and kind. Theo agrees he knows what he wants to say, just not always how to say it.

During a pizza break, Kirby receives an email from a record label, paying her $8,000 for a song she wrote in half a day. Although this comes as another blow to Theo's confidence, his faith in Kirby is cemented, and an idea dawns on him. In his pursuit to make Leah and Justin's wedding perfect, how would Kirby feel about writing a song for the wedding?

Elsewhere, boosted by Roo's encouragement, Marilyn has built up the courage to request time off from work to holiday with Jett. However, during a flustered explanation, Marilyn's words are twisted, and Irene puts her down for more shifts instead of less.

Marilyn's efforts with Leah prove equally counterproductive given Leah's tricky mood, and when Irene insists on a new pay rise for Marilyn, her gratitude is eclipsed by her inability to get the time off.

Justin confronts Leah about the research of insomnia and night terrors he uncovered. She admits she's had some hard nights of sleeping poorly. He pleads that she share these things with him and she agrees, parting ways to work.

After the long shift, Leah standing in the carpark when an approaching car sends her mind racing back to the kidnapping. Justin emerges from the car and rushes to her side, as Leah explains that since the nightmares started, she can't make them stop. Through tears, she finally shares that she needs help.

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