Home and Away: Justin struggles to save the band

Episode 8098

UK airdate: Wednesday 04 October 2023 at 13:45 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Thursday 17 August 2023 at 19:00 on Channel 7

Lyrik are playing a gig at Salt tonight, but it hasn't broken yet that the four-piece band is down to three. While Remi extends an olive branch to Kirby, Justin reels from the news that Forrest is withholding copyright permissions. At an urgent band meeting, Justin quizzes Remi and Theo, asking whether anyone has a contract. Remi insists that isn't what Lyrik is about.

Justin breaks the bad news to the boys that they may not be able to continue playing the songs from their album. When Kirby invites them for drinks later, she doesn't understand the cold reception.

When Kirby confides in Bree that Remi and Theo are still weird with her, and Eden still hasn't responded to messages, Bree has a solution. She suggests they should swap houses for a while until things settle down. Kirby is grateful for the offer and for Bree's friendship.

When Kirby meets with Forrest later, he suggests she keep her distance from the band as things are too messy right now. Kirby agrees – she's happy to focus on her work for the time being.

Justin calls Forrest to the Morgan House with a proposal – Lyrik are allowed to keep playing Kirby's songs, and she'll be financially compensated. Her material will be promoted, and she'll be paid. But Forrest is immovable – he won't sign a retrospective contract. He adds that things might be different if Theo and Remi hadn't given Kirby such a hard time earlier.

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