Home and Away previews new Felicity and Tane passion in 33 spoiler pictures

felicity newman and tane parata in home and away
Home and Away's Felicity/Tane passion in 33 picsChannel 5

Next week on Home and Away on Channel 5, Felicity Newman and Tane Parata feel awkward after giving into their feelings once again.

Elsewhere, Alf Stewart makes a change at the Surf Club as its finances remain a cause for concern.

Our 33-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store.

Tuesday, March 19: A newcomer arrives in Summer Bay

Valerie Beaumont is played by Courtney Clarke.

valerie beaumont and leah patterson in home and away
Channel 5

Tuesday, March 19: Valerie's link to Leah is revealed

The pair were roommates when Leah was at the clinic.

valerie beaumont and leah patterson in home and away
Channel 5

Tuesday, March 19: Valerie catches up with Leah

She's surprised to learn that things are going badly between Leah and Justin.

valerie beaumont and leah patterson in home and away
Channel 5

Tuesday, March 19: Leah is defensive

She doesn't feel ready to get things back on track with Justin.

valerie beaumont and leah patterson in home and away
Channel 5

Tuesday, March 19: Valerie encourages Leah

She thinks Leah should ask Justin to join them for dinner later.

valerie beaumont and leah patterson in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Tane returns to the Bay

He has been away for a few days to clear his head.

tane parata and felicity newman in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Tane bumps into Felicity

There's still unfinished business between the former couple after their split.

tane parata and felicity newman in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Felicity asks how the trip went

The former couple try to keep things civil.

tane parata and felicity newman in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Harper trains with Tane

The pair are trying to get their friendship back on track.

harper matheson and tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Tane enjoys the training session

His friendship with Harper is proving to be a welcome distraction.

tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Dana watches on

She's amused by the connection between Harper and Tane.

dana matheson in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Tane and Harper are interrupted

Harper worries about what her sister might say.

dana matheson, tane parata and harper matheson in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Dana teases Harper

She knows that Tane recently tried to kiss Harper.

dana matheson and harper matheson in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Harper takes Dana to one side for a moment

She has a quiet word.

dana matheson, harper matheson and tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Harper makes a plea to Dana

She urges her sister not to make things awkward.

harper matheson and dana matheson in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Harper and Tane chat after their session

They debrief by the Surf Club.

harper matheson and tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Felicity walks by

Bad timing.

harper matheson, tane parata and felicity newman in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Felicity watches on

She's suspicious over the connection between Tane and Harper.

tane parata, harper matheson and felicity newman in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Tane is wrong-footed

He sees Felicity watching.

harper matheson and tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Felicity feels awkward

Living in such close proximity to Tane is difficult after their break-up.

felicity newman in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Harper is forced to share some concerning news

Felicity overheard Harper and Dana talking about the kiss.

harper matheson and tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Tane worries

He decides to take the direct approach with Felicity now that she knows what happened. However, when Tane and Felicity discuss the situation, emotions boil over and they end up sleeping together again.

harper matheson and tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: Alf reads the local paper

There's an advert included from Roo.

alf stewart in home and away
Channel 5

Wednesday, March 20: The advert seeks new sponsorship

The Surf Club needs new investors on board.

roo stewart's advert in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: Roo and Alf face a difficult decision

It seems that Surf Club rents may need to be increased to bring in more revenue.

roo stewart and alf stewart in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: John, Roo and Alf call a meeting

They brace themselves for a backlash from the business owners.

john palmer, roo stewart and alf stewart in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: Alf is apprehensive

Asking for more money is a last resort and Alf still feels uneasy about it.

alf stewart in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: Mali listens to the news

He'll have to pay more for the Board Shop from now on.

tane parata, roo stewart, mali hudson and john palmer in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: Tane is also part of the meeting

The gym would be affected by the changes.

tane parata, alf stewart, mali hudson, roo stewart and john palmer in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: Mali accepts the news

He insists that he's happy to pay more.

mali hudson and john palmer in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: Felicity is present too

She represents Salt at the meeting.

felicity newman in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: It's awkward for Felicity and Tane

The meeting comes just after Felicity and Tane have given into temptation by sleeping together again.

felicity newman and tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

Thursday, March 21: Tane seems to regret what happened

Felicity is rejected again.

felicity newman and tane parata in home and away
Channel 5

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