Home and Away: Remi's fate is revealed

Episode 8176

UK airdate: Monday 04 March 2024 at 13:45 on Channel 5 and 18:00 on 5STAR

Australian airdate: Monday 08 January 2024 at 19:00 on Channel 7

Cash worries over Eden's disappearance and calls Remi, but it goes straight to voicemail. The SES arrive and Search & Rescue leader Sabrina quizzes Cash on his ill-fated camping trip. He admits that they had argued the night before, but they'd resolved it.

Soon a wide-scale search is under way and Cash updates Flick on the phone. Felicity tells Cash to concentrate on the search and she'll try to get hold of Remi, as maybe he and Eden are together.

Eden, restrained by cable ties, cries silent tears as she watches her kidnappers argue. She's shaken as she hears Wes ordering his brother to get rid of "the dead guy" and then deal with her next. As they go to the boot of the car to retrieve the body, though, both are shocked to hear Remi inhale sharply – he's alive.

Eden runs to her friend when she sees him and immediately begs for a blanket as he's shivering. Mickey obliges, much to the distaste of cold-hearted older brother Wes. When Wes leaves them alone moments later, Eden uses the opportunity to appeal to Mickey's good nature. He unties her, but draws the line at taking Remi to a hospital as Wes would never allow it.

When Wes returns and is determined to get rid of both Eden and Remi for good, Mickey's conscience kicks in and he finds the courage to stand up to his brother. Eden has to stay, Wes decrees, but as Remi has never seen them, Mickey can take him to the hospital.

Eden bids Remi a tearful goodbye and while Mickey and Wes argue over the missing car keys, she slips her bracelet into his jacket pocket. Next, Mickey is in the middle of nowhere when he drops Remi by the side of the road and calls for an ambulance.

Back in the Bay, Bree is stunned to see that her next critical patient is her boyfriend. Can she save Remi's life?

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