Home and Away's Justin to pay an emotional visit to Leah after mental health storyline

Home and Away spoilers follow from Australian-pace episodes, which some UK viewers may prefer to avoid.

In heartbreaking scenes set to air next week in Australia and March in the UK, Leah attempts to shut her fiancé Justin out.

Following her struggles and nightmares as a result of being kidnapped by the Vita Nova cult, Leah is ready to leave the mental health clinic she has been staying at.

But she doesn't want to return to Justin, instead she decides to stay with Alf and Marilyn at the caravan park – and she warns them that she doesn't want Justin to know where she is.

leah patterson and justin morgan in home and away
Channel 5

Related: 12 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week

Speaking to TV Week, Ada Nicodemou, who plays Leah, said: "Leah is still quite cautious. She can't go back to that house, because that's where the nightmares began. She also pulled a knife on the man she loves. Until she's completely healed, she doesn't trust herself in his presence."

However, although he understands, Alf still feels Justin deserves to know his fiancée is back in the Bay, so he decides to tell him.

Despite Alf warning Justin not to visit yet, Justin rushes straight to the caravan park, desperate to talk to Leah.

andrew lawrence and justin morgan in home and away
Channel 5

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"Justin pines for Leah and thinks about her non-stop," James Stewart, who plays him, explained to TV Week. "He understands, but her psychosis has caused him great distress."

It's not good news for Justin, though, as despite his pleading for her to come home, Leah is adamant that she is staying put and informs a distraught Justin that "there is no us".

Is this the end for one of Summer Bay's most loved couples?

Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5, with repeat screenings at 6pm on 5STAR and first look screenings at 6.30pm on 5STAR. Selected classic episodes are available via Prime Video in the UK.

Read more Home and Away spoilers on our dedicated homepage

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