Government shutdown: House GOP hopes to pass funding package to avoid shutdown

Government shutdown: House GOP hopes to pass funding package to avoid shutdown

House Republicans are hoping to pass a funding package ahead of the next government shutdown deadline on 17 November.

Speaker Mike Johnson released his plan on Saturday to avoid a partial shutdown and to extend funding for a number of agencies and programmes until 19 January and continue the funding for other government areas until 2 February.

The two-step plan is novel for a stopgap funding bill – legislators usually extend funding for all programmes at the same time and until the same date.

Mr Johnson is attempting to sidestep rebukes from some Republicans who have expressed dismay at the possibility of having to vote on a massive spending bill just before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

In a statement, Mr Johnson said: “This two-step continuing resolution is a necessary bill to place House Republicans in the best position to fight for conservative victories.”

“The bill will stop the absurd holiday-season omnibus tradition of massive, loaded up spending bills introduced right before the Christmas recess,” he added.

VIDEO: Government shutdown deadline nears once again

10:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Bill excludes funding requested by Biden for Israel, Ukraine, and US border

08:00 , AP

The bill excludes funding requested by President Joe Biden for Israel, Ukraine and the U.S. border with Mexico. Johnson said separating Biden’s request for an emergency supplemental bill from the temporary, stopgap measure “places our conference in the best position to fight for fiscal responsibility, oversight over Ukraine aid, and meaningful policy changes at our Southern border.”

Hardline conservatives, usually loathe to support temporary spending measures of any sort, had indicated they would give Johnson some leeway to pass legislation, known as a continuing resolution, or CR, to give Congress more time to negotiate a long-term agreement.

Republican admits Johnson’s plan is similar to ‘what got Kevin McCarthy in trouble'

06:00 , Gustaf Kilander

GOP Rep Carlos Giménez said on Fox Business that Speaker Johnson’s government funding plan is similar to “what got Kevin McCarthy in trouble”.

“I think you’ll get some Democrat votes ... You’ll get some Republicans not to vote for it,” he said.

Republicans ‘have no earthly idea what they are doing,’ ex-GOP staffer says

04:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Kurt Bardella, a former Republican Capitol Hill staffer who’s now a Democratic strategist, wrote on X on Monday that “Republicans in Congress seem determined to remind the American people every single day that they have no earthly idea what they are doing.

“@SpeakerJohnson is in over his head. The result will be yet another government shutdown courtesy of the GOP,” he added.

GOP ‘cannot negotiate with itself- and its leaders refuse to negotiate with anybody else'

02:00 , Gustaf Kilander

David Frum, a former speechwriter for President George W Bush, wrote on X on Monday: “With two US carrier groups poised for action to deter Iran, we are 4 days from a US government shutdown because the majority in the US House of Representatives cannot negotiate with itself- and its leaders refuse to negotiate with anybody else.”

McCarthy booted after previous continuing resolution passage

00:00 , AP

The federal government is operating under funding levels approved last year by a Democratic-led House and Senate. Facing a government shutdown when the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, Congress passed a 47-day continuing resolution, but the fallout was severe. Kevin McCarthy was booted from the speakership days later, and the House was effectively paralyzed for most of the month while Republicans tried to elect a replacement.

Republicans eventually were unanimous in electing Johnson speaker, but his elevation has hardly eased the dynamic that led to McCarthy’s removal — a conference torn on policy as well as how much to spend on federal programs. This past week, Republicans had to pull two spending bills from the floor — one to fund transportation and housing programs and the other to fund the Treasury Department, Small Business Administration and other agencies — because they didn’t have the votes in their own party to push them through the House.

Speaker’s funding plan likely to need Democratic backing

Monday 13 November 2023 22:00 , Gustaf Kilander

The speaker’s funding plan will likely need Democratic support amidst opposition from five House Republicans.

The spending bill’s lack of cuts is dividing the House GOP with at least five members having shared their opposition as of Monday morning – Reps Chip Roy, Warren Davidson, Bob Good, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and George Santos.

The Republicans can only lose four votes to pass a bill without Democratic support.

“My opposition to the clean CR just announced by the Speaker to the @HouseGOP cannot be overstated,” Mr Roy wrote on X. “Funding Pelosi level spending & policies for 75 days - for future ‘promises.’”

“I am opposed to the CR that has been proposed, because it contains no spending reductions, no border security, & no policy wins for the American people. I am committed to working with Speaker Johnson & my House colleagues to chart a better path forward for our country,” Mr Good said.

But including cuts rightwing Republicans want would make the spending bill dead on arrival in the Democratic Senate and White House.

Texas rep says funding bill provides ‘Pelosi level spending & policies for 75 days'

Monday 13 November 2023 20:00 , AP

“My opposition to the clean CR just announced by the Speaker to the @HouseGOP cannot be overstated,” Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, tweeted on X. “Funding Pelosi level spending & policies for 75 days - for future ‘promises.’”

The White House, meanwhile, panned the plan as “unserious,” unworkable and a threat to national security and domestic programs.

“This proposal is just a recipe for more Republican chaos and more shutdowns—full stop,” said press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, pointing to opposition from members of both parties. “House Republicans need to stop wasting time on their own political divisions, do their jobs, and work in a bipartisan way to prevent a shutdown.”

VIDEO: Government shutdown deadline nears once again

Monday 13 November 2023 18:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Bill excludes funding requested by Biden for Israel, Ukraine, and US border

Monday 13 November 2023 16:27 , AP

The bill excludes funding requested by President Joe Biden for Israel, Ukraine and the U.S. border with Mexico. Johnson said separating Biden’s request for an emergency supplemental bill from the temporary, stopgap measure “places our conference in the best position to fight for fiscal responsibility, oversight over Ukraine aid, and meaningful policy changes at our Southern border.”

Hardline conservatives, usually loathe to support temporary spending measures of any sort, had indicated they would give Johnson some leeway to pass legislation, known as a continuing resolution, or CR, to give Congress more time to negotiate a long-term agreement.