How watching the Premier League in Singapore has gotten better over the years

Watching Premier League football with friends

If you’re a football fan, you might remember how it was like watching the Premier League in Singapore in the past. Whether it was arranging for drinks to catch the Manchester derbies between Manchester United and Manchester City or to catch the FIFA World Cup, it was always a communal experience celebrating goals or rueing them with fellow fans and friends.

However, you probably also recall the moments when you couldn’t get up for a match at 2.30am, or when you left home late and missed out on the thrilling first half. Let’s not even mention how troublesome it was having to leave the house to watch every one of your favourite team’s matches.

Thankfully, StarHub TV+ has made it so much easier now to catch any match you want with the Premier+ subscription bundle, since all 380 matches in the season are broadcasted along with a plethora of added features that make the life of a football fan and the watching experience so much better.

Back when 1080p TVs were the norm, it could sometimes be a major pain trying to figure out which player was where, since it can be hard to see that fuzzy broadcast clearly when you’re not sitting right in front of the television. With the introduction and widespread adoption of 4K TVs nowadays, it’s a good thing StarHub is offering selected matches in 4K UHD along with real-time statistics on the match, so you’ll be able to excitedly text your friends, “Did you see that? Haaland has 5 shots on target and 2 goals!”, while watching the Norwegian striker evade the goalie and slot the ball into the net, all with crystal clear quality.

I remember back in 2008, I had been planning to watch the Arsenal and AC Milan Champions League match, but it was in the middle of the night and as a student, I wasn’t allowed up. I didn’t think it was all that bad, as nobody really expected Arsenal to be able to beat the reigning champs, but when I woke up to see the score, I was absolutely gutted that I missed it.

If only I had StarHub+’s Time-shift and Interactive Timeline features back then, I would have been able to catch a quick recap of the goals scored in the morning before going back to watch the game in full after school. Thankfully, now we can rewind games that aired up to 24 hours ago as and when wanted, so we can rewatch and celebrate spectacular goals by the likes of Bukayo Saka, Son Heung-Min and Mohamed Salah in all their glory.

As I got older and eventually started working, I found my schedule clashing more and more with the Premier League match schedule. I would read recaps online, but it just wasn’t the same. Thankfully, there’s the Key Highlights feature that allows for a quick viewing of goals, “best-of-the-week” reels and other pivotal Premier League highlights to get up to speed quickly before your friends start teasing you for being a bad fan.

I was also consuming content on my phone and computer more, rather than just sitting in front of the television. So the ability for multi-device viewing, which StarHub offers, was a godsend since I could easily have the match in a small window or showing on my phone while I was working or travelling home on the train. This isn’t just for football though, this feature is available for all TV+ users and other shows can be rewatched as well, so that’s definitely useful for catching up on dramas or TV shows.

With the Premier+ bundle, StarHub is definitely bringing “Football for All” with affordable plans bundled with 1 year of free broadband, which is great for all the football streaming that you’ll be able to do. Additionally, there’s even discounted plans for the Pioneer Generation as well as for young fans aged 18-25 years old, that starts at $12.61/month.

For those looking for the ultimate package, StarHub is offering unlimited entertainment with 10Gbps UltraSpeed Broadband, Premier league access, Netflix Premium and more at just $87.96/month, compared to the usual price of $219.90/month! Sign up here for the new all-in-one bundle and save over $5000 now.

Apart from the Premier League, StarHub also offers the Sports+ package which includes matches from the UEFA Champions League, Bundesliga, La Liga, Carabao Cup and more, so you can watch all your favourites, whether it’s Real Madrid, Bayern Munich or other international teams. You’ll be able to catch all the Premier League action on StarHub TV+, by signing up here.

This content was produced in partnership with StarHub