Howard Stern Names 'Slam Dunk' Candidate Who Can Win Presidency In 2024

Howard Stern is urging comic Jon Stewart to run for president ― and predicted that the former “Daily Show” host would win if he does.

“That guy is so fucking smart and bright and also witty and really measured when he takes on a debate,” Stern said on his SiriusXM radio show on Monday in a clip posted by Mediaite.

“And he really cares,” added co-host Robin Quivers. “The reason you can debate him on any issue is because he cares about the issue.”

“And he knows how to talk,” Stern replied. “You know he would work his ass off to be a good president.”

He said Stewart could win because “people like Jon Stewart.”

Quivers noted that Stewart left “The Daily Show” because it was too much work.

“Well, he owes it to his country to run,” Stern said. “A lot more work but the guy would be terrific and I think he’d do it.”

The Hill reported that Stern said Stewart would win in a “slam dunk” if he ran.

Stern added that he hadn’t spoken with Stewart about this, but urged him to come on the show to accept the nomination.

There are a couple of problems with Stern’s wish.

First, all indications are that President Joe Biden plans to seek reelection; first lady Jill Biden last month confirmed he’s gearing up for a run.

“How many times does he have to say it for you to believe it?” she told reporters.

And second, Stewart has in the past indicated he has no interest in running for president, writing on Twitter last year in response to speculation:

On the other hand, he’s also said he’s considered seeking some kind of office because of how terrible the “shitheads” in Congress are.

“It’s sort of like when you get in a car and the one driver’s drunk, and you’re like, ‘Did you ever think about taking the wheel?’ You’re like, ‘Yeah, I did,’” Stewart told Kara Swisher in an episode of the New York Times’ “Sway” podcast last year.

“I don’t know that I’d have the temperament for it,” he added.

Stewart, who currently hosts “The Problem With Jon Stewart” on Apple TV+, has been active on a number of issues, including health care for 9/11 first responders and veterans exposed to burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.