‘We do need humour in our lives’: Seinfeld’s Patrick Warburton slams cancel culture

Patrick Warburton has slammed cancel culture in comedy  (Getty Images)
Patrick Warburton has slammed cancel culture in comedy (Getty Images)

Seinfeld star Patrick Warburton has decried cancel culture in comedy.

The actor, who played David Puddy on the hit show and voiced paraplegic police officer Joe Swanson in the controversial comedy series Family Guy, said he’s no longer apologising if his work offends people.

“What flew yesterday can’t fly today," he told Fox News Digital.

“I used to apologise for being on Family Guy, and I apologise no more because this world is a horrible ... satire.

“Everybody takes themselves too seriously, and… I think in many ways it has become an overwhelming mess.

Warburton, at the launch party  for Family Guy in 2014, went on to star in nearly 300 episodes  of the series (Getty Images)
Warburton, at the launch party for Family Guy in 2014, went on to star in nearly 300 episodes of the series (Getty Images)

“But we do need humour in our lives. We need love, humour and acceptance. It’s all rather simple."

Warburton, who is known for his distinctive baritone speaking voice, has appeared on Family Guy since its launch in 1999.

Despite his own mother condemning the series and the show coming under fire for its use of racial humour and violent imagery, he starred on nearly 300 episodes.

Family Guy has also been criticised – along with a number of animated shows – for not casting actors of colour to voice non-white roles.

Peter Griffin, Glenn Quagmire, both voiced by Seth MacFarlane, Cleveland Brown, voiced by Mike Henry and Joe Swanson, voiced by Patrick Warburton from the series “Family Guy. (AP)
Peter Griffin, Glenn Quagmire, both voiced by Seth MacFarlane, Cleveland Brown, voiced by Mike Henry and Joe Swanson, voiced by Patrick Warburton from the series “Family Guy. (AP)

In 2020 Mike Henry stepped down from voicing Cleveland Brown – a black neighbour and friend of the Griffin family – after two decades in the role.

He tweeted at the time: “It’s been an honour to play Cleveland on Family Guy for 20 years. I love this character, but persons of colour should play characters of colour.

“Therefore, I will be stepping down from the role."

YouTuber Arif Zahir took over the role, said: “Mike, you created something truly special and I promise I will do my absolute best to honour your legacy."