IAEA signed roadmap with Iran to resolve nuclear issues by year end

The flag of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) flies in front of its headquarters in Vienna, Austria, May 28, 2015. REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader/Files

VIENNA (Reuters) - The U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency signed a roadmap with Iran on Tuesday with the aim of resolving all outstanding questions it has about the country's nuclear programme by the end of the year, the IAEA's director general said on Tuesday. Future access to Iran's Parchin military site, which the agency had repeatedly sought, is part of a separate "arrangement", Yukiya Amano said. "By 15 December 2015, the Director General will provide... the final assessment on the resolution of all past and present outstanding issues," he added. (Reporting By Shadia Nasralla; editing by John Irish)