23 Members Of The LGBTQ+ Community Shared Their View Of The 2024 Election, And It's Keeping People Up At Night

23 Members Of The LGBTQ+ Community Shared Their View Of The 2024 Election, And It's Keeping People Up At Night

Hi everyone, we're back with BuzzFeed's 2024 Election Diaries! Inspired by one of the most divided election years in US history, every week, I ask different groups of voters what their #1 political issue is AND which candidate they plan to vote for in November.

BuzzFeed's 2024 Election Diaries, featuring first-hand takes from real-life voters. Image includes an illustration of a ballot box with two American flags

June is Pride Month, so we're highlighting the voices of LGBTQ+ voters.

Person smiling and holding up a rainbow flag at an outdoor event
FG Trade / Getty Images

Recently, I asked LGBTQ+ voters to share their #1 political issue and which candidate they plan to support in the 2024 presidential election.

Pie chart showing 2024 presidential election voting plans: Biden 73.1%, Undecided 10.1%, Trump 8.4%, Other 8.4%

Here are 23 political confessions from real-life LGBTQ+ voters.

All voter images used are AI-generated.

1."My fiancé is transgender, and I want her to feel as safe as possible in this country. Under Trump, I'm scared that she will be targeted."

Ash is 19 and from Virginia
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

2."Immigration is my top political issue. I don't listen to the media, nor what the candidates say they will do, but what they have actually done. Trump made great strides in making the country more affordable to live in and safer to live in."

Rico is 43 and from California
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

3."High costs and women’s issues are my top priorities. It’s unfortunate what this powerful country has come to! We have the two oldest guys running for president."

Sophia 35 and from North Carolina

"I want a president who cares about unifying the country instead of separating it and taking care of our environment! Bring back the ability for women to do what they want with their bodies! And don’t get me started on the sky-high cost of living."

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

4."Trump must lose in 2024, or else LGBTQ+ and women's rights will continue to be taken away. Republican's Project 2025 is all you need to see to know this. Being in a two-party system does not give me a lot of choice."

Rosalyn, 35, from Nevada

"I'm voting for Biden, who is much more likely to protect my rights as a trans woman than Trump. I'm so tired of the anti-trans rhetoric from the right; I have to vote Biden for my own safety and the safety of other LGBTQ+ people."

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

5."I don’t know who to vote for because I’m so tired of seeing white cishet men in office who do nothing to better our country. I don’t want to vote for a criminal who sees no humanity in marginalized groups and works against democracy. I also don’t want to vote for someone who does not want to work for a ceasefire in Palestine."

Finley is 26 and from Washington
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

6."Abortion rights are my top issue. Biden isn't perfect, but he's the best candidate we have. Look at all the damage Trump did in four years. Can you imagine what he'd do if he got another term? We already lost abortion rights in many states, and a nationwide ban is next. I almost died having a baby last year. There is no chance in hell that I'm going to let anyone be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy."

A Biden voter named Kamaya who is 34 and from Oregon
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

7."The climate crisis is my most important issue. The Biden administration has done a lot of work related to climate and the environment, which is vital and affects everyone."

Kai, 29, from Maryland
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

8."Trump brought the economy back once. Although COVID caused economic problems, I think Trump can bring us back. Also, I think having borders is important. I also think we need to get out of Ukraine."

A Trump voter named Kyle who is 41 and from Mississippi
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

9."Sanctuary cities have given a budget and priority to visiting immigrants while ignoring the homeless population. Where I live for 35 years, the city/county of Denver allowed nonprofit homeless organizations to let the homeless population get out of control. Chase Oliver actually speaks to me more than two senile old men."

Lila, 38, of Colorado, says, they' prefer Chase Oliver Voter
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

10."My top issue is preserving our democracy. Biden demonstrates strength in the preservation of our country as a democracy, not as an autocracy. Also, regardless of age, Biden is sane and pro-LGBTQIA+. As a queer person, I at least have a chance under a Biden administration."

  Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

11."Reproductive rights and gender-affirming care are very important to me. I recently had my son via IVF, and the thought that some people will not be able to get pregnant without help is so sad."

An undecided voter named Logan

12."America has gone crazy! We're letting our children see drag queen shows IN SCHOOLS. I'm voting for Trump because he's going to cut the crap."

A note pinned to a board reads "TRUMP Voter: 'America has gone crazy! We're letting our children see drag queen shows IN SCHOOLS. I'm voting for Trump because he's going to cut the crap.'" A photo of a woman labeled "Amy, 34, NY" is attached beside it
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

13."Education and women's/LGBTQ+ rights are extremely important to me. To be honest, I'm losing sleep over this already. Trump is quite possibly the literal antichrist, but I cannot vote for someone who supports and aids in genocide. Can't we please just have Obama back? Please?"

Benji, 35, from Iowa, is an undecided voter
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

14."I live in a red state, and my governor is attacking my rights as a woman and a lesbian. I know my only protections will be federal, and I know only Biden can provide that."

A Biden voter's testimony
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

15."I know people who have flat-out said they hope the government starts removing kids from homes with same-sex parents. I am terrified of the theocracy that some people are pushing."

<div><p>"I'm voting for who I realistically think has a chance of winning and is at least closer to my personal beliefs in that they haven't come out with dehumanizing rhetoric against me or my friends."</p></div><span> Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine</span>

"I'm voting for who I realistically think has a chance of winning and is at least closer to my personal beliefs in that they haven't come out with dehumanizing rhetoric against me or my friends."

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

16."This may sound alarmist, but the most important issue to me is stopping fascism. Trump has been pretty clear about his intentions, and Biden has been helpless in slowing it down. Though Biden has paid lip service to queer issues, the rollback of rights and open attacks on queer folks have accelerated under his watch."

An undecided voter's testimony
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

17."Excessive inflation is my top priority. Trump’s baggage could fill his Boeing 757. However, he is a businessman. He knows how to cut expenses, which is something everyday Americans have been forced to do for three-plus years now. During Trump’s term, the economy was great. Low inflation and interest rates. He lowered corporate tax rates, and employees and shareholders benefited."

A Trump voter named Jerry, who is 69 and from Florida
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

18.“It’s important for us to take a stand against the genocide that our country/tax dollars are perpetuating in Gaza. I cannot vote for a person who supports the genocide and displacement of an entire people, whether it’s in Palestine, Congo, Syria, Ukraine, or elsewhere."

An undecided voter named JJ who is 28 and from Virginia

"I will not be voting for Biden, and I will not be voting for Trump or RFK — it’s clear that neither candidate cares about what the people want, let alone LGBTQIA+ people. And if you care about Queer and Trans rights, you should care about the lives of Palestinians. Ceasefire now."

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

19."Ensuring LGBTQ+ rights and access to healthcare for all are both important to me, but a vote for Biden or Trump feels like just encouraging the boomers and adding to the problem. RFK Jr. is a nutcase. Voting for anyone else feels like throwing a vote away. I don’t know what I’m going to do, and it seems dismal at best."

  Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

20."My top issues are NATO and the Russian incursion. I'm voting for Biden because he understands world affairs, and Trump has never had an honest success in his life."

A handwritten note reads, "BIDEN Voter. My top issues are NATO and the Russian incursion. I’m voting for Biden because he understands world affairs, and Trump has never had an honest success in his life." A photo of Jim, 81, MT is clipped beside the note
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

21."My top issue is the economy because inflation is ridiculous. If the Democrats put Joe Biden as their nominee, I will have no choice BUT to vote for Trump. I was never really a fan of Joe Biden, but the last four years have been painful to live through. Also, putting Trump on trial really annoyed me because the cases are so weak."

A Trump voter named Joaquin who is 42 and from California
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

22."The future of the Supreme Court is so important. We have at least two Supreme Court justices in their 70s. If Biden loses, they both retire, and Trump appoints their replacements. We absolutely cannot afford this."

A Biden voter who is 39 and from California

"Therefore, we must give Biden another four years to ensure we get to make those replacements. If you want things like abortion back or if you want LGBTQ rights to continue, you absolutely must care about the Supreme Court."

Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

And finally...

23."I am a queer, child-free woman who is married to a trans man. We live in an extremely conservative state, and the laws concerning trans people’s access to healthcare are top on our priority list. We're definitely voting Biden because the idea of Trump in office again is terrifying, but it's not a vote we cast enthusiastically."

A Biden voter named CB who is 35 and from Texas
Michaela Bramwell / Meta Imagine

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! In the next round, we'll focus on Black voters nationwide ahead of Juneteenth. So, if you're a Black voter, we want to hear from you via this anonymous Google form. Your response may be featured in an upcoming post!

Responses have been edited for length/clarity.

Looking for more LGBTQ+ or Pride content? Then check out all of BuzzFeed's posts celebrating Pride 2024.

Pride Month 2024 text with artistic faces blending together, symbolizing diversity and unity within the LGBT community
Zachary Ares/BuzzFeed