Indie JRPG about classic pro wrestling delayed mere hours before launch after a last-minute bug said "that doesn't work for me, brother"


Well let me tell you something, Mean Gene: WrestleQuest, the indie JRPG all about pro wrestling, got delayed just four hours before its planned launch, and is now set to launch on August 22.

There WrestleQuest was, in front of 93,000 screaming wrestlemaniacs on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and Steam, all ready to go out for its scheduled summer slam. But then, brother, less than four hours before the launch was scheduled, along comes a multidevice save bug with a steel chair to ruin the WrestleQuestster's day.

"When performing final checks on one of our launch platforms," WrestleQuest's managers say, "we discovered it was possible for players to lose their save game progress when playing WrestleQuest on multiple different devices. Because this is a game filled with hours of content and player progress is so important, we could never bodyslam our fans like that."

That bug took WrestleQuest out, dude, but the game's gonna keep training, saying its prayers, and taking its vitamins to get back in fighting shape within the next two weeks. Those 145,000 screaming wrestlemaniacs can't be left hanging, because a game featuring the likes of Jake the Snake Roberts, Macho Man Randy Savage, and Andre the Giant has got to live forever, brother.

So listen up, jack, because with 279,000 screaming wrestlemaniacs in attendance and the whole world watching, WrestleQuest is gonna hit all its intended platforms on August 22. Because when WrestleQuest gets that save bug in a compromised position, there will be no mercy, brother.

Those cats at WWE announced last year that they're working on their own wrestling RPG.