Indonesia jails Briton for sexually abusing teen

MATARAM, Indonesia (Reuters) - A court in the eastern Indonesian holiday island of Lombok on Thursday sentenced a British man to five years in prison for sexually abusing a teenage boy, the man's lawyer said. Stuart Richard Pike, 45, was also fined 60 million rupiah ($4,488) for repeatedly abusing a 17-year old, who he said he did not know was underage at the time. Pike's lawyer said his client was considering appealing the verdict. "He would like to spend some time, about one or two days, to think about whether he will appeal or not. Basically he still feels that he is not guilty of abusing the child," the lawyer, Bambang Hardiyanto, said after the trial on the island east of Bali. A string of paedophilia cases in tourist destinations, like Bali and Lombok, has prompted police to cooperate with some foreign counterparts in preventing child sex offenders from traveling to Indonesia. Official data on sexual abuse remains scarce in Indonesia, where more than 90 percent of rapes go unreported, according to a recent survey by victim support group Lentera Sintas Indonesia. (Reporting by Abdul Latif Apriaman; Writing by Kanupriya Kapoor; Editing by Randy Fabi)