Indonesian capital declares emergency over coronavirus

A view of the Jakarta skyline looking north, Jakarta, Indonesia

JAKARTA (Reuters) - The governor of Jakarta on Friday declared a state of emergency for the next two weeks in the Indonesian capital, centre of the country's coronavirus outbreak.

Governor Anies Baswedan also said that public entertainment such as bars, spas and cinemas would be shut from Monday and public transportation limited. He urged companies to let staff work from home.

"Our medical teams across Jakarta are dealing with a great number of people. Our response capability has a limit because the numbers of hospitals and staff are not in line with the growth of cases," he said.

As of Friday, Indonesia had 369 confirmed cases and 32 deaths, according to a health ministry official. Jakarta, a city of 10 million people, had 215 confirmed infections and 18 deaths.

Baswedan said he would provide support for people who relied on a daily salary.

Jakarta has suspended religious activities, such as Islamic Friday prayers and Christian services, for two weeks.

(Reporting by Wilda Asmarini; Writing by Stanley Widianto; Editing by Ed Davies and Kevin Liffey)