Infant deaths prompt changes at methadone clinic

By Duff Wilson BRADENTON, Florida (Reuters) - Connie Shingledecker, a major with the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office here, was investigating the deaths of children in Florida when she noticed a disturbing pattern. During a six-month period in 2012, four babies had died in the care of mothers with histories of drug abuse. In each case, their babies had been born dependent on drugs. And in each case, the new mothers were trying to kick their opioid addictions by taking methadone, dispensed by a clinic in a local strip mall. At the time, only about 50 new mothers were visiting the methadone clinic. Shingledecker, a member of a statewide panel that reviews deaths related to child abuse, knew that four infants dying in such a short period represented an extraordinarily high rate. Shingledecker called the director of the local methadone clinic. It is run by Operation PAR, a non-profit agency serving recovering addicts in five counties. Although the clinic drug-tested mothers to ensure they hadn’t relapsed, Shingledecker learned that the facility wasn’t telling authorities about any illegal drug use those tests showed, even though she said state law required that those results be reported. “We were assuming they were going to call us, but we were wrong,” Shingledecker said. Nancy Hamilton, chief executive officer of Operation PAR, said she agreed to meet with Shingledecker, but with some trepidation. Methadone clinics have typically been regarded as safe havens for people trying to control their addictions. And doctors say they are sometimes reluctant to refer drug-dependent mothers and newborns to authorities. They don’t want to report women who seem to be doing their best to overcome addictions to heroin or painkillers. “It’s a little tough to report the moms when they’re following doctors’ orders,” said Matthew Grossman, a doctor at Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital. The Florida cases Shingledecker spotted were somewhat different. Although the women were part of a methadone program, their drug tests also showed they were using illicit drugs. Shingledecker insisted that Operation PAR follow the state law on mandatory reporting. It requires everybody – particularly health professionals and social workers – to call child protection services if they have reason to suspect a child may be neglected or abused. Parental drug abuse may be considered a form of neglect. “I told them, ‘Listen, how could you not want to be on the side of saving babies’ lives?’” Shingledecker said. “‘We want to prevent future deaths. We’re not trying to catch your clients using additional drugs so we can prosecute.’” Operation PAR’s Hamilton said she agreed. “We came up with something good,” Hamilton said. The plan, she said, was “to focus on at-risk pregnant women.” That meant women who tested positive for illicit substances in their third trimester of pregnancy or who had open cases with child protection services. The at-risk women would be drug-tested two extra times per week. Positive results would be reported to the sheriff immediately. Since 2013, all 48 new mothers who fit the criteria and use the Operation PAR facility have agreed to the conditions. All 48 of their babies are alive. (Edited by Blake Morrison.)