Influencer Claims She Had Affair With Adam Levine In Messy Story That Gets Much Worse

An Instagram model claims she had an affair with Maroon 5’s Adam Levine and that after they had stopped speaking, he wrote to ask if he could name his baby after her.

Sumner Stroh, who has just under 350,000 Instagram followers, made the allegations in a TikTok video posted Monday. She claims she saw the married singer for about a year but did not clarify when. Levine’s wife is Victoria’s Secret model Behati Prinsloo.

“I was having an affair with a man who’s married to a Victoria’s Secret model. At the time, I was young, I was naive, and, I mean, quite frankly, I feel exploited,” Stroh said in the video.

Levine has been married to Prinsloo since 2014. The couple announced this month that they are expecting their third child. They have two daughters, who are 4 and 5.

In her TikTok video, Stroh shared a screenshot of an Instagram DM that Levine had allegedly sent her “after I stopped talking to him over a period of months.” The message reads: “Ok serious question. I’m having another baby and if it’s [a] boy I really wanna name it Sumner. You ok with that? DEAD serious.”

She also showed screenshots of flirty Instagram DM exchanges with what appeared to be Levine’s account.

@sumnerstroh embarrassed I was involved w a man with this utter lack of remorse and respect. #greenscreen♬ original sound - Sumner Stroh

Stroh claimed she had never planned to share the story publicly but came forward because she’d sent the screenshot to a few friends and one of them was attempting to sell the story to a tabloid.

She defended herself for participating in the affair by claiming “my morals were unknowingly compromised” and “I was completely manipulated.”

“Embarrassed I was involved w a man with this utter lack of remorse and respect,” she captioned her video.

A representative for Levine did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Stroh’s video was viewed 7.5 million times in the 10 hours after she posted it. She later posted a second video responding to critics and saying that she wasn’t trying to play the victim.

“In no way was I trying to gain sympathy,” she said. “And I fully realize I’m not the victim of this. I’m not the one who’s really getting hurt here. It’s Behati and her children, and for that, I’m so so sorry.”

Stroh also clarified what she meant when she claimed she was manipulated.

“The most important part that I did definitely gloss over is the fact that I was under the impression that their marriage was over. I believed that they were keeping it quiet to avoid the negative press because, as I had said, I was new to LA, so I just assumed that with celebrities of that caliber, that that’s just how it was,” she said.

“And that’s why I feel exploited, because he knew I believed everything that he said because of my vulnerable position of being new to LA,” she said. “Also, he was DMing me straight from his verified Instagram account. I didn’t have any reason to further question it. But I now realize that that was likely a manipulation tactic of his, you know, just hiding in plain sight.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
