Iowa player heard on hot mic hilariously explaining an ESPN fix at the Little League World Series

Iowa made it past Washington to keep its Little League World Series run alive on Saturday despite an ESPN fix on the contest in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

At least, that’s what one Iowa player was heard saying to his pitcher on a hot mic.

The Midwest team, out of Davenport, Iowa, held a 6-3 lead in the bottom of the final inning on Saturday. Despite a pair of outs, however, the Northwest team, out of Washington, had a pair of runners on base — the second of which came after a walk that the Iowa team didn’t agree with much.

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As the Iowa coach came to the mound to talk to his team, one player started talking to his pitcher and explained how he hilariously thought that the fix was in “because ESPN likes it.”

While that would make for one astounding story, it obviously wasn’t true. The Iowa coach wasn’t having it, either, as he quickly brushed past it and got his team back together to make the final out.

Iowa got Washington with the 6-3 win, and then beat Utah 10-2 on Sunday to keep advancing in the United States bracket. The team is now 2-1 after its back-to-back elimination game wins, and will take on either Hawaii or Texas next on Tuesday night.

Iowa at the 2022 Little League World Series
During their game on Saturday against Washington, an Iowa player had a theory that the Northwest team’s comeback was happening “because ESPN liked it.” (AP/Gene J. Puskar)