Iran should use nuclear deal to help economy, not for regional 'adventures' - Saudi minister

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir speaks during a joint news conference with his Jordanian counterpart Nasser Judeh at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Amman, Jordan, July 9, 2015. REUTERS/Majed Jaber

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran should use a nuclear deal agreed this week with six world powers to improve its economy, and not to pursue "adventures" in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said on Thursday. "We hope that ... if the deal is implemented that the Iranians will use this deal in order to improve the economic situation in Iran and to improve the lot of its people ... and not use it for adventures in the region," Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said during a photo opportunity with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. "If Iran should try to cause mischief in the region, we're committed to confront it resolutely," he said. Jubeir's remarks were the first public comments on the nuclear agreement by a senior Saudi official. They reflect Riyadh's concerns that Iran will use an estimated $100 billion in funds unfrozen by sanctions relief to boost its armed proxies throughout the Arab world. The agreement, announced on Tuesday, puts strict limits on Iran's nuclear programs in return for the lifting of nuclear related sanctions on Tehran. Jubeir did not explicitly endorse the deal, or reject it, but stressed the importance of inspections to verify Iran is complying and the "snapback" of sanctions if it is found to be cheating. Kerry said he would brief members of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council in Doha, Qatar on Aug. 3. (Reporting by Warren Strobel and Matt Spetalnick; Editing by Doina Chiacu and Bernadette Baum)