Iran's Guards say they killed six Kurdish militants near Iraq border

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said on Friday they had killed six members of a Kurdish militant group involved in a July attack on an Iranian border post, the official news agency IRNA reported.

The six were part of a group of fighters from the Kurdish opposition group PJAK who had attacked the facility on the border with Iraq on July 20, killing 10 Guards, the elite Revolutionary Guards said in a statement carried by IRNA.

The Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) - an outlawed group that seeks self-governance for Iran's Kurds and has links to Turkey's militant Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) - operates in the border area, along with other armed Kurdish groups based in northern Iraq.

Despite sporadic clashes with the militants, there is little coordination between Iranian and Iraqi forces over security of the remote mountainous border that has also been used by Islamic State to enter Iran.

In June 2017, Islamic State militants carried out coordinated attacks at the parliament building in Tehran and the mausoleum of Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini south of the capital, killing at least 18 people.

(Reporting by Dubai newsroom)