Iran's Rouhani tells Hollande need "all our might" to fight Islamic State - source

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks after returning from the annual United Nations General Assembly, in Tehran September 29, 2015. REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi/TIMA/Files

PARIS (Reuters) - It is of vital importance to fight Islamic State with "all our might", Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told French President Francois Hollande on Tuesday, a day after Paris called for a grand coalition to destroy the group. "President Rouhani ... insisted on the vital importance of the fight against Daesch (Islamic State) and terrorism with all our might," a French presidential source said after a call beween the two presidents. The (two men) insisted on the importance of the Vienna peace talks to resolve the conflict in Syria, the source said. (Reporting By Elizabeth Pineau; writing by John Irish; editing by Andrew Callus)