Is Kuala Lumpur still the place to go for work in 2024? Malaysians weigh in on the matter

If one earns below RM6,000 per month, they may be living pay-check to pay-check in Kuala Lumpur due to the high cost of living.

View of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur has always been touted as the epicentre for Malaysians to seek good paying jobs and career advancements. (Photo: Getty Images)

Kuala Lumpur has always been touted as the epicentre for Malaysians to seek good paying jobs and career advancements. This is due to the various high profile companies situated in Malaysia's capital. But does that sentiment still hold up in 2024?

A Malaysian from Sarawak recently sparked a discussion on Reddit by highlighting the negative advice they received six years ago when they enquired about working there.

Initially receiving responses like "Don't come to KL, you'll be killed by the traffic jam" and "Don't waste your time here. Go Singapore," they tried to get some insight from Malaysian users of the social media platform with regards to working in Kuala Lumpur in 2024.

“I'm raising this question here because obviously I still haven't made the move yet and am living a chill life in my hometown (Sarawak). I'm doing okay finance wise but I'm definitely not making big bucks since I'm currently working with my relatives,” the user @RhinneXChronica wrote.

“Due to the limited job opportunities here, it has always been my dream to work in KL and get a taste of modern city life," the user added, although they did note that they are in their late 20s and unsure if they would like to hustle like someone at the start of their careers.

Different working experience in Sarawak

Responses to the thread provided a diverse array of perspectives and advice.

@ediotictbh, also from Sarawak, acknowledged the trade-offs between living in Kuala Lumpur and Sarawak.

“I miss the good food and being able to hang out somewhere without spending money and being close to pockets of nature. But I moved here for a career in a sector that isn't mature in Kuching. I'm playing the long game, honestly,” they wrote.

They also note that the cost of living in Kuala Lumpur is much higher than of Sarawak's, but the experience working in the capital is much different.

“Traffic, dense population, and fast-paced lifestyle could be seen as downsides - but it makes for a story when you're older, you can say you've been there done that," they wrote.

To work in Kuala Lumpur or Singapore?

User @xXstrikerleoXx encouraged giving the move a chance, suggesting that it offers a different experience compared to Singapore.

"At least KL has a relatively smaller culture shock compared to Singapore,” they said.

However, user @armamama says that it is much easier financially to work in Singapore.

Sharing an anecdotal experience, they said that if one earns below RM6,000 per month, they may be living pay-check to pay-check in Kuala Lumpur, due to the high cost of living compared to Singapore.

“Other than rent, economy rice even in the (Singapore) city centre area costs less than five Singapore dollars and public transport is so cheap and convenient compared to the almost mandatory car in KL. As long as you are smart about spending in SG (ie, only purchasing things in KL with your SGD earnings) you'll go much further working in SG compared to KL,” the user shared.

Be smart with your expenditure

Some users cautioned against unrealistic expectations of wealth in KL, highlighting the importance of qualifications for job opportunities.

“If you think by going to KL, you automatically make big bucks, you would be disappointed. Yes, the median income in KL is higher than other part of the country, but know that half the population earn below the median income. You didn't state your qualifications, so job opportunity is also not a sure thing. Nowadays even degree holders barely can earn enough to survive, so qualifications are very important for jobs too,” one user wrote.

User @kevintkm who claims that they have lived in Kuala Lumpur for 30 years, says that they're fine raising a family in the capital.

“SG is good if you start young, but more difficult to get in now with recent policy changes favouring locals more. I’m raising a family in KL, it’s fine. You will get used to it,” they said.

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