Islamic State beheads four tribesmen in eastern Syria - monitor

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State militants have beheaded four tribesmen in eastern Syria after accusing them of fighting against them and receiving military training from pro-government forces, a monitoring organisation said. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the men belonged to the Sunni Muslim Sheitaat tribe, which has been battling Islamic State in the eastern Deir al-Zor province bordering Iraq. Islamic State, a radical offshoot of Sunni Muslim group al Qaeda, killed hundreds of members of the tribe in July and August, accusing them of being enemy fighters and apostates, according to residents. The latest killings took place on Sunday in the border town of Albu Kamal, the Observatory said. Two of the men were killed in a public square and the other two at a roundabout in the town. The men were accused of having "fought Islamic State, and joining a camp set up by the regime for the Sheitaat tribe in the Tadmur area," the Observatory said. Tadmur, also known as Palmyra, is in the central Homs province, west of Deir al-Zor. Reuters cannot independently verify reports from Syria due to security conditions and reporting restrictions. Islamic State has captured tracts of land in Syria and Iraq and is the target of a bombing campaign by U.S-led forces. The group has frequently carried out execution-style killings in areas it controls, saying it is delivering justice and warning residents to obey it. Islamic State has killed fighters as well as civilians, accusing some of breaking the strict rules it has imposed. It has also killed foreign journalists and aid workers. (Reporting by Sylvia Westall; Editing by Angus MacSwan)