Israel-Hamas war: Leaders love to talk of a 'two-state solution', but Middle East 'silver bullet' feels further away than ever

The two-state solution is presented publicly by the world's diplomats and politicians as a silver bullet to end a conflict which has raged - one way or another - for decades.

But, despite taking part in this dance, most privately know it is dead, or is at best on life support.

It should be no surprise to anyone, then, that Benjamin Netanyahu has apparently rejected a post-war peace process that would lead to the dawn of a sovereign Palestinian state.

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During a nationally broadcast news conference he was pretty clear in saying: "In any future arrangement... Israel needs security control of all territory west of the Jordan... This collides with the idea of sovereignty. What can you do?"

The first reason is easy to understand.

Domestically, no Israeli leader, while the nation is so traumatised by the 7 October Hamas attacks, would publicly give the idea a warm hug - it would be political and electoral suicide.

Even before that atrocious day, the Israeli public was extremely sceptical about the two-state paradigm - the Second Intifada and rockets from Gaza have shaped that reality.

When pressured by the US, or the international community, he could point to his speech at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv in 2009 where he appeared to theoretically endorse a two-state solution - although with significant caveats.

However, Mr Netanyahu has never really supported the idea.

If scrutinised through action and many other political statements, that speech was really nothing more than lip service.

In fact, he has said many times he will not allow a Palestinian state - so the rebuttal of the US post-war vision should not surprise anyone.

The truth is that for Netanyahu's entire biography his stance and actions have seen him block the creation of a Palestinian state.

It is cemented into his political ideology and that's not going to change now.

Read more:
Netanyahu rejects Palestinian state
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Bibi, as he's known in Israel, always touted himself as 'Mr Security' but it was under his leadership that the worst terror attack in the country's history happened.

He has been hugely discredited, but a man who's known for his love of power will fight for his political survival.

One way to do that tactically is to openly oppose the US on the two-state issue and then repackage it as an election slogan.

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Will it work? Possibly not, he is so damaged, but for a man who may well be made of Teflon, I wouldn't rule it out either.

The problem remains though; the two-state solution may be flatlining but in terms of ending the conflict it really is the best idea anyone has come up with.

The alternatives are a recipe for continued fighting and oppression, or the end of the Jewish state as a nation, or a democracy.