Israeli PM Netanyahu wins national election: CH 12 TV

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara react as they stand on stage following the announcement of exit polls in Israel's parliamentary election at the party headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel April 10, 2019. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won the Israeli national election, securing a record fifth term in office, TV Channel 12 said on Wednesday.

With 96 percent of the votes counted, Netanyahu's right-wing Likud won 37 of Knesset seats, against 36 for centrist Blue and White, headed by Netanyahu's rival, former general Benny Gantz.

Though neither party captured a ruling majority in the 120-member Knesset, the results, published eight hours after voting ended on Tuesday, put Netanyahu in a strong position to form a coalition government with right-wing factions.

(Reporting by Maayan Lubell; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)