What issue matters most to you in Saskatchewan's upcoming election?

We're looking for unique perspectives to help guide our coverage of the upcoming 2024 provincial election.  (Yuttana Hongtansawat/Shutterstock - image credit)
We're looking for unique perspectives to help guide our coverage of the upcoming 2024 provincial election. (Yuttana Hongtansawat/Shutterstock - image credit)

What's the one issue that means the most to you in the upcoming provincial election and why?

With Saskatchewan's election set for later this year, we're recruiting people from across the province to answer that question to help guide our election coverage. Whether you're focused on agriculture, education, parental rights, climate change or something else, we want to know what will drive how to cast your decision-making on how to cast your ballot.

We're not looking for endorsements of any particular political party. Rather, we want people to express different points of view and explain how they came to their perspectives. How has your point-of-view been shaped over time?

Your input could help guide what topics we cover and who we choose as panellists for election coverage. We may even ask you to write a first person narrative on why you came to care about a certain issue and why it's your ballot box issue.

Read examples of point-of-views published during the last Alberta election: 

Questions or comments? Email the CBC's Janani Whitfield at janani.whitfield@cbc.ca.