Jack Black To Play Steve In 2025’s Minecraft Movie

Minecraft starring Jason Momoa and Jack Black.
Minecraft starring Jason Momoa and Jack Black.

It rather beggars belief that there hasn’t been a Minecraft movie already. The Microsoft-owned behemoth is one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time, and seems ripe for a guaranteed $1 billion+ box office. However, despite rumors dating back as far as 2014, it wasn’t until 2022 that details seemed to solidify. This is all taking another step toward reality with Deadline’s scoop that Jack Black has reportedly signed up to play the live-action version of the game’s protagonist, Steve.

A Minecraft movie has been about to happen for a very long time. Then-owner Markus “Notch” Persson revealed Warner had optioned the title back in 2014, and then various names have been attached and detached ever since. The very affable Shawn Levy was set to direct at one point, with writers Kieran and Michele Mulroney, but all three abandoned the project after their ideas were rejected. It’s Always Sunny’s Rob McElhenney was involved in some manner, until he wasn’t. For a bit Peter Sollett was due to direct, until in 2022 it was announced that Napoleon Dynamite director Jared Hess would take the helm. At the same time, Jason Momoa was slated to star. Then, in 2023, a 2025 release date was declared. Phew.

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If Warner and Legendary can avoid making an absolute turkey, it’s hard to imagine this not seeing more billions added to the Minecraft coffers—something that seems more likely to succeed with the charisma of Jack Black on board.

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