Jailed: Man who tried to rape friend's wife to fulfil friend's fantasy

Young depressed woman
Young depressed woman

SINGAPORE — A man drugged his wife of 23 years in order to fulfil a deviant fantasy of having his colleague rape the unconscious woman.

The colleague, 47, was jailed for three years on Thursday (13 January) after pleading guilty to one count of abetment by conspiring with the woman’s husband to rape her in 2017 in her matrimonial home, although rape did not actually occur. Another count of molest was considered for his sentencing.

None of the parties in this case can be named to protect the victim’s identity. The woman did not consent to the any of the acts.

The man is the first of seven to be dealt with in a case that involves four husbands allegedly conspiring to rape one another’s wives. At least four women have been identified as victims.

Four of the other six men - including the current case's husband - will be pleading guilty next month, and one will be claiming trial. It is unclear how the men are related to one another.

Sharing details of sex life and fantasies

At the time of the offence, the woman was 44, and had three schooling children with her husband.

The accused man had met the woman’s husband in 2010 after supplying goods to the husband’s workplace as a sales manager. They became closer in 2015 after becoming colleagues.

The husband began to share details of his sex life with the man, including fantasies the couple had. The husband also broached the possibility of the man having sex with his wife, which the man did not object to.

On the evening of 31 August 2017, the husband contacted the man to say that his wife was ready. He did not tell the man if the woman had consented to sex with the man. In return, the man did not ask the husband if his wife had consented.

In the early hours of 1 September 2017, the husband allowed the man into his house and bedroom, where his wife was unconscious, naked and blindfolded on the bed. The husband had earlier given her alcohol and a sex drug to knock her out. Their children and maid were asleep in another room.

The husband then asked the man to have sex with the wife. The man molested her while her husband stood by. He then tried to rape her without a condom, but did not manage to do so.

By this point, the woman had regained consciousness and felt a man atop of her who was not her husband. She removed her blindfold, but the man had fled.

On 4 May 2020, the man was examined and found to have evidence of predisposing factors to erectile dysfunction. An ultrasound showed evidence of arterial insufficiency.

Arrests made after explicit images were found

The offences were reported to the authorities in January 2020 after one of the seven accused men’s wife had found explicit images of herself in her husband’s phone. Her husband was arrested and the identities of his accomplices were established. The convicted man’s involvement was also revealed.

The victim had also confronted her husband's colleague after the 1 September 2017 incident, and at her insistence, the man and her husband wrote confession letters.

The man confessed in his 4 September 2017 letter that he was invited by the husband to the couple’s home to watch them having sex. He said that he arrived at 12.45am and met the husband, who told him to have sex with his wife. He found that the wife was unconscious, but was told all was okay.

The man's lawyer Nakoorsha Abdul Kadir sought between two and two-and-a-half years' jail term, citing the woman's husband as the instigator of the offence, while his client had went "along for the ride". There was also no plan to commit the rape, as the two had only shared fantasies ahead of the offence, he added.

The prosecution sought a term of between two and three-and-a-half years' jail, with Deputy Public Prosecutor Chee Ee Ling telling the court that the man had been convicted in 2018 for filming women in the bathroom and for possessing obscene material. He was jailed for 12 weeks and fined $20,000 for those offences.

In sentencing the man, Justice Aedit Abdullah accepted the defence's argument that the two men had not planned the offence meticulously for two years.

"What I can see ... is that here was perhaps a long gestation, but not necessarily minute planning throughout that period," he said. The judge accepted that the victim had been exploited as she was in a vulnerable state.

Justice Abdullah added that the fact that the attempted rape occurred in the victim's home should attract a substantial increase in the jail term, as it was a violation of her safe sanctuary.

Rape carries a jail term of up to 20 years, with a fine or caning. However for the man's case, as he only abetted a conspiracy to commit rape, in which rape was not committed, under the Penal Code, he could be jailed up to a quarter of the maximum jail term, which is five years. He could also have been fined.

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