James Gunn on Batman universe Poison Ivy rumours

Worlds of DC boss James Gunn has shut down whispers of Poison Ivy joining the Robert Pattinson's Batman universe.

Last portrayed by Uma Thurman on the big screen over 25 years ago in Batman & Robin - an infamous flop with George Clooney donning the bat suit, seductress Ivy has the ability to bend plants to her will and would be a more fantastical addition to this reimagined Gotham City.

Over on Twitter yesterday (April 6), a fan wrote to Gunn: "Is it true these stories that a Poison Ivy movie in Matt [Reeves'] universe? [sic]," to which the filmmaker simply replied: "Nope".

uma thurman, poison ivy
Warner Bros.

Related: James Gunn explains why Avengers: Endgame has made it hard for Marvel

Gunn can't seem to shake this particular supervillain after she was attached to his Suicide Squad reboot too, yet this latest comment doesn't technically rule out an appearance across one of the many DC projects currently in development.

In other news, it sounds like a DC crossover with the Marvel Cinematic Universe could happen at some point in the distant future.

"I'm certain that's more likely now that I'm in charge [at DC]," Gunn told Empire Magazine.

Related: Margot Robbie says she's been "pushing" for Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy romance

He added: "That's many years away, though. I think we have to establish what we're doing [at DC] first. I would be lying to say that we haven't discussed it. But all discussions have been very, very light and fun."

His next directorial release, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, is just a few weeks away and will mark the final time this band of cosmic misfits cruise through space together.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 and Vol 2 and the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special are streaming on Disney+. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 arrives in cinemas on May 5.

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