Jaspers Lai engages lawyers after netizen accuses him of mocking women in post re-enacting upskirt incident

The local comedian was asked about what he saw in Malaysia at an earlier event where a suspect was caught taking upskirt videos of women.

A video of Jaspers Lai (above) was taken out of context by a netizen, and he is seeking legal recourse. (Photo: Instagram/jaspersjaspers)
A video of Jaspers Lai (above) was taken out of context by a netizen, and he is seeking legal recourse. (Photo: Instagram/jaspersjaspers)

He knows that ‘salty’ comments on social media come with being a public figure. However, the latest accusations - which local comedian Jaspers Lai clarified are untrue - may go beyond that.

In an interview with Shin Min Daily News, Lai, 36, said he was promoting a Chinese New Year movie in Malaysia when someone took an upskirt video of Malaysian female personality Han Xiaoai (popularly known by her social media handle hanxiiaoaii).

A few days after, Lai was attending a friend’s wedding banquet when he was asked how the alleged culprit took the upskirt videos. Lai re-enacted the act, while someone recorded him and posted it on social media.

However, a netizen took screenshots from the videos and spread rumours that he was mocking women. According to Lai, the netizen even made personal attacks, said he was ‘low’ class, and insulted him.

He said, “I think it’s lame and making something out of nothing. We had good intentions and wanted women to be vigilant, but he made it seem like I was mocking them. The post created some comments and discussions, and everyone swarmed to it, and I was attacked for no reason.”

Lai also revealed that the netizen sent him a direct message on IG and sent him the link to the post.

“I felt that this person was a bit suspicious. I didn't know whether he wanted to become famous or something.”

Why Jaspers Lai decided engage lawyers

Though Lai normally turns a blind eye if netizens don’t take things too far, he felt that he had to use legal measures to get the other party to take responsibility. As a result, he has authorised lawyers to handle the matter.

He told Shin Min that he will be working with some female brands in the future, and this could damage his reputation.

Said Lai, “I know very well that these things on the Internet are inevitable. To a certain extent, I have also learned to turn a blind eye… However, if some personal attacks are not handled properly, or if you don’t come forward to clarify, they will indirectly affect other businesses and industry partners.”

Having been a comedian for a long time, Lai has mentally prepared himself because he knows that some people have the impression that comedians are “brainless”. However, he also a serious side.

He shared, “This incident made me realise that comedians are very likely to be misunderstood and attacked. The public's impression of us is that we are funny, but I also work very hard to write scripts and create content.

“Many netizens don't know I’ve done those, and they think that since ‘Bucktooth Girl’ (one of his personas) is a fool, then Jasper is also a fool. I can remain silent, but I want to defend the career that I have worked hard for more than 20 years."

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