Jeb Bush, potential presidential contender, opposes Obama move on Cuba - report

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) addresses the Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington December 1, 2014. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Florida Governor and potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said on Wednesday he opposes U.S. President Barack Obama's move to normalize relations with Cuba, according to a media report. USA Today reported Bush, who announced his decision to explore a possible run for the U.S. presidency on Tuesday, opposed negotiating with the communist-led island nation. "I don't think we should be negotiating with a repressive regime to make changes in our relationship," he told an event in Florida, according to the newspaper. (Reporting by Roberta Rampton and Steve Holland; Writing by Susan Heavey; Editing by Bill Trott)