Jets hit rebel-held Syrian city of Idlib, kill at least 25 - witnesses

AMMAN (Reuters) - Jets struck a busy market place in the rebel-held Syrian city of Idlib on Saturday, killing at least twenty five people, including children and women, and injuring dozens, rescue workers and residents said. Two civil defence workers told Reuters via internet that bodies were still being pulled out of the rubble of collapsed buildings in a market place in the city that is the provincial capital of the northwestern province of Idlib. One resident and rescue workers say they thought that the jets were Russian, which they said can be identified by their high altitude flying in sorties, unlike Syrian helicopters that hit at lower altitudes. In recent weeks aerial bombing on villages and towns in the province run by a coalition of mostly Islamist brigades under the banner of Jaish al Fateh army (Army of Conquest) have escalated and left dozens of dead and injured, residents and civil defence workers say. (Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Alexander Smith)